Fremont Public Schools Reporting COVID-19 Updates 

Fremont, Neb. – (Jan. 15, 2021) Fremont Public Schools released information today related to:


  1. The number of students and staff absent due to testing positive for COVID-19.  
  2. The number of students and staff in quarantine due to close contact exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting test results.
  3. The number of students utilizing the virtual learning environment.
  4. Risk Dial increased this week
  5. Activity protocol update
  6. Board of Education approves early dismissals
  7. Community facilities survey


The breakdown of the numbers is as follows:


Number of Students not in school yesterday due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 16

Number of Students not in school yesterday due to quarantine: 88

Total number of students absent yesterday for any illness: 127


Number of employees not working yesterday due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 5

Number of employees not working yesterday due to quarantine: 9

Number of certified teaching staff not at work yesterday for any reason: 31


The District does not release information by school or grade level in an effort to not share information that is personally identifiable. This would be in violation of FERPA (Federal Education Rights to Privacy Act) and potentially employment and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) laws. 


The District also released current enrollment numbers for students participating in the virtual learning environment.  As of yesterday, 259 students are enrolled in the virtual school option – this represents approximately 5.38% of the overall student enrollment of 4,818.  


The Three Rivers Public Health Risk Dial for Dodge County increased from 2.86 to 3.0 – to mid-orange this week. As a reminder, the Dial utilizes eight data points on a rolling three week average.  


Fremont Public Schools updated winter activity protocols this week. Six designated fans per participant are allowed to attend (this includes cheer and dance team members performing at the event) at the following events: basketball games and wrestling duals. Four designated fans per participant are allowed to attend swimming duals and bowling duals. Two designated fans per participant at bowling double duals. Spectator groups must sit together. Fremont High School parents can update their form of designated spectators through this link. To view the full list of protocols and opportunities to follow the Tigers online through STRIV TV or HUDL/YouTube, visit


On January 11, the Board of Education approved several early dismissal Fridays in this second semester. The dates scheduled for early dismissal are January 29, February 12, February 26, March 5 and March 26. Dismissal times will be FHS 1:00 pm, ELEM 1:10 pm, JCAC 1:15 pm, FMS 1:25 pm. Lunch will be served and transportation will be provided to those students who typically use FPS transportation. Students that utilize the afterschool programs will attend their normal programming following the early dismissal. Preschool programming will continue as previously scheduled.


Fremont Public Schools invites the community to participate in a survey regarding the facilities of the district. Fremont Public Schools has an opportunity, over the next several years, to upgrade and/or rebuild our aging facilities. This opportunity is being presented based on bonds that are maturing, a favorable bond market and a favorable construction market. In order to move forward, a successful bond election is required. The purpose of this survey is to gather input from the community to begin to prioritize the district’s needs. The size, scope and structure of a bond issue will be determined based on these prioritized needs. The survey can be completed at The survey will close today at 11:59 pm.



The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.


Escuelas Públicas de Fremont Reportando Actualizaciones de COVID-19 

Fremont, Neb. – (15 de enero de 2021) Las escuelas públicas de Fremont publicaron hoy información relacionada con:


  1. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal ausentes debido a que dieron positivo en la prueba de COVID-19.  
  2. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal en cuarentena debido a la exposición por contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19 o está esperando los resultados de la prueba.
  3. El número de estudiantes que utilizan el entorno de aprendizaje virtual.
  4. Riesgo aumento esta semana
  5. Actualización del protocolo de actividades La
  6. Junta de Educación aprueba salidas tempranas
  7. Encuesta de instalaciones comunitarias


El desglose de los números es el siguiente:


Número de estudiantes que no asistieron a la escuela ayer debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva:asistieron 16

Número de estudiantes que noa la escuela ayer debido hacer cuarentena: 88

Número total de estudiantes ausentes ayer por alguna enfermedad: 127


Número de empleados que no trabajaron ayer debido a la prueba positiva de COVID-19: 5

Número de empleados que no trabajaron ayer debido a la cuarentena: 9

Número de personal docente certificado que no trabajó ayer por cualquier motivo: 31


El Distrito no divulga información por escuela o nivel de grado en un esfuerzo por no compartir información que sea personalmente identificable. Esto sería una violación de FERPA (Ley Federal de Derechos de Educación a la Privacidad) y potencialmente las leyes de empleo y HIPAA (Ley de Responsabilidad de Portabilidad de Seguros de Salud). 


El Distrito también dio a conocer las cifras actuales de inscripción de los estudiantes que participan en el entorno de aprendizaje virtual. A partir de ayer, 259 estudiantes están inscritos en la opción de escuela virtual, lo que representa aproximadamente el 5,38% de la inscripción total de estudiantes de 4.818.  


El número de riesgo de salud pública de Three Rivers para el condado de Dodge aumentó de 2,86 a 3,0 – a mediados de naranja esta semana. Como recordatorio, el Dial utiliza ocho puntos de datos en un promedio móvil de tres semanas.  


Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont actualizaron los protocolos de actividades de invierno esta semana. Se permite la asistencia de seis fanáticos designados por participante (esto incluye a los miembros del equipo de porristas y baile que se presentan en el evento) en los siguientes eventos: juegos de baloncesto y duales de lucha. Cuatro aficionados designados por participante pueden asistir a los duales de natación y de bolos. Dos aficionados designados por participante en los bolos dobles dobles. Los grupos de espectadores deben sentarse juntos. Los padres de la Escuela Preparatoria Fremont pueden actualizar su formulario de espectadores designados a través de este enlace. Para ver la lista completa de protocolos y oportunidades para seguir a los Tigres en línea a través de STRIV TV o HUDL / YouTube, visite


El 11 de enero, la Mesa Directiva de Educación aprobó varios viernes de salida temprana en este segundo semestre. Las fechas programadas para la salida anticipada son el 29 de enero, el 12 de febrero, el 26 de febrero, el 5 de marzo y el 26 de marzo. Los horarios de salida serán FHS 1:00 pm, ELEM 1:10 pm, JCAC 1:15 pm, FMS 1:25 pm. Se servirá almuerzo y se proporcionará transporte a aquellos estudiantes que usualmente usan el transporte de FPS. Los estudiantes que utilizan los programas después de la escuela asistirán a su programación normal después de la salida temprana. La programación preescolar continuará según lo programado previamente.

Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont invitan a la comunidad a participar en una encuesta sobre las instalaciones del distrito. Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont tienen la oportunidad, durante los próximos años, de actualizar y / o reconstruir nuestras antiguas instalaciones. Esta oportunidad se presenta con base en bonos que están venciendo, un mercado de bonos favorable y un mercado de construcción favorable. Para avanzar, se requiere una elección de bonos exitosa. El propósito de esta encuesta es recopilar comentarios de la comunidad para comenzar a priorizar las necesidades del distrito. El tamaño, el alcance y la estructura de una emisión de bonos se determinarán en función de estas necesidades priorizadas. La encuesta se puede completar en La encuesta se cerrará hoy a las 11:59 pm.

Fremont High School Announces Updated Winter Sports Protocols


Fremont, Neb. – (Jan. 14, 2021) Fremont High School is releasing updated protocol for activities for the winter and the precautionary steps that are being taken to ensure the safety of all involved. These changes are in reference to guidance from the Nebraska State Activities Association (NSAA). 


The updated protocol for all sports will be as follows:

  • SIX designated fans per participant are allowed to attend (this includes cheer and dance team members performing at the event) at the following events: basketball games and wrestling duals.
  • FOUR designated fans per participant are allowed to attend swimming duals and bowling duals.
  • TWO designated fans per participant at bowling double duals.
  • Spectator groups must sit together. Fremont High School parents can update their form of designated spectators through this link.


All other prior protocols will remain in effect.

  • Masks are required at all Fremont Public Schools venues
  • Prior to attending an event, please self assess for symptoms, do not attend if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid- wash hands frequently, social distance when possible. If you have recently been tested for COVID-19 please stay home until test results are known. FHS will sanitize the benches in between games.
  • Athletes: Players are required to wear masks on the bench/locker room/hallways/but not when actively participating in the sport (warming-up/competing).
  • Spectators/Coaches/Cheer/Dance/Other school or team personnel: Masks are required per the NSAA and FPS policies at all indoor events.  
  • NO concessions will be provided and NO food or drinks will be allowed in the gyms. 
  • Temperatures will be taken upon entry. Anyone with a temperature of 100.0° or higher will not be allowed to enter. 
  • All Fans will enter from the North Parking Lot Commons Doors (#5)
  • Fans may be seated on the West side of the Bahe gym or the upper deck of the East side. 
  • Fan groups must sit together based on the participant that they are there to watch.  Please sit on or immediately adjacent to a FPS sticker on the bleacher seats – no one is allowed to sit in the rows marked off with caution tape. 
  • Teams will be located on the East side with chairs socially distanced. 
  • Programs will be available via QR codes only. We will not be printing programs. 
  • Streaming: Varsity contests will be available 


A full listing of each activity schedule can be found at


The protocol for each sport was developed based on guidance from the Heartland Athletic Conference, NSAA, the National Federation of High School Sports and Three Rivers Public Health. As a reminder, we must also follow the protocols that are put in place at away games. The host school of each event will communicate their protocol to families through the FHS Activities Office.


Scott Anderson, FHS Activities Director, shared, “We are glad to open up our events a little more. Please continue to follow the protocol so that our student athletes are able to continue their season.”




The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.

Fremont Public Schools Reporting COVID-19 Updates 

Fremont, Neb. – (Jan. 8, 2021) Fremont Public Schools released information today related to:


  1. The number of students and staff absent due to testing positive for COVID-19.  
  2. The number of students and staff in quarantine due to close contact exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting test results.
  3. The number of students utilizing the virtual learning environment.
  4. Risk Dial remained decreased this week
  5. Activity protocol update
  6. January early dismissals
  7. Community facilities survey


The breakdown of the numbers is as follows:


Number of Students not in school today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 10

Number of Students not in school today due to quarantine: 93

Total number of students absent today for any illness: 90


Number of employees not working today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 5

Number of employees not working today due to quarantine: 8

Number of certified teaching staff not at work today for any reason: 18


The District does not release information by school or grade level in an effort to not share information that is personally identifiable. This would be in violation of FERPA (Federal Education Rights to Privacy Act) and potentially employment and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) laws. 


The District also released current enrollment numbers for students participating in the virtual learning environment.  As of today, 263 students are enrolled in the virtual school option – this represents approximately 5.47% of the overall student enrollment of 4,808.  “It’s great to see our students back in school after the break – it’s really good that many more students and families have decided to come back to in person learning,” stated Mark Shepard, superintendent of schools.


The Three Rivers Public Health Risk Dial for Dodge County decreased from 3.0 to 2.86 – to mid-orange this week. As a reminder, the Dial utilizes eight data points on a rolling three week average.  


Fremont Public Schools updated winter activity protocols this week. Attendance will be limited to family members of participants only. Four family members per participant are allowed to attend (this includes cheer and dance team members performing at the event) at the following events: basketball games, wrestling duals/triangulars and swimming duals. Two family members per participant at wrestling invites and swimming triangulars. Spectator limits will remain at one family member per participant for bowling. To view the full list of protocols and opportunities to follow the Tigers online through STRIV TV or HUDL/YouTube, visit


As a reminder, the district announced two early dismissal days in January, Friday, January 15 and Friday, January 29. Dismissal times will be FHS 1:00 pm, ELEM 1:10 pm, JCAC 1:15 pm, FMS 1:25 pm. Lunch will be served and transportation will be provided to those students who typically use FPS transportation. Students that utilize the afterschool programs will attend their normal programming following the early dismissal.


Fremont Public Schools invites the community to participate in a survey regarding the facilities of the district. Fremont Public Schools has an opportunity, over the next several years, to upgrade and/or rebuild our aging facilities. This opportunity is being presented based on bonds that are maturing, a favorable bond market and a favorable construction market. In order to move forward, a successful bond election is required. The purpose of this survey is to gather input from the community to begin to prioritize the district’s needs. The size, scope and structure of a bond issue will be determined based on these prioritized needs. The survey can be completed at The survey will close on January 15 at 11:59 pm.



The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.


Escuelas Públicas de Fremont Reportando Actualizaciones de COVID-19 

Fremont, Neb. – (8 de enero de 2021) Las escuelas públicas de Fremont publicaron hoy información relacionada con:


  1. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal ausentes debido a que dieron positivo en la prueba de COVID-19.  
  2. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal en cuarentena debido a la exposición por contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19 o que está esperando los resultados de la prueba.
  3. El número de estudiantes que utilizan el entorno de aprendizaje virtual.
  4. Risk Dial permaneció disminuido esta semana
  5. Actualización del protocolo de actividad Salidas
  6. tempranas de enero
  7. Encuesta de instalaciones comunitarias


El desglose de los números es el siguiente:


Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva: 10

Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la cuarentena : 93

Número total de estudiantes ausentes hoy por alguna enfermedad: 90


Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la prueba positiva de COVID-19: 5

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la cuarentena: 8

Número de personal docente certificado que no trabaja hoy por cualquier motivo: 18


El Distrito no divulga información por escuela o nivel de grado en un esfuerzo por no compartir información que sea personalmente identificable. Esto violaría la FERPA (Ley Federal de Derechos de Educación a la Privacidad) y potencialmente las leyes de empleo y HIPAA (Ley de Responsabilidad de Portabilidad de Seguro Médico). 


El Distrito también dio a conocer las cifras actuales de inscripción de los estudiantes que participan en el entorno de aprendizaje virtual. A la fecha, 263 estudiantes están inscritos en la opción de escuela virtual; esto representa aproximadamente el 5.47% de la inscripción total de estudiantes de 4.808.  “Es grandioso ver a nuestros estudiantes regresar a la escuela después del receso; es realmente bueno que muchos más estudiantes y familias hayan decidido regresar al aprendizaje en persona”, dijo Mark Shepard, superintendente de escuelas.


El Dial de Riesgo de Salud Pública de Three Rivers para el condado de Dodge disminuyó de 3.0 a 2.86, a mediados de naranja esta semana. Como recordatorio, el Dial utiliza ocho puntos de datos en un promedio de tres semanas.  


Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont actualizaron los protocolos de actividades de invierno esta semana. La asistencia se limitará únicamente a los familiares de los participantes. Se permite la asistencia de cuatro miembros de la familia por participante (esto incluye a los miembros del equipo de porristas y baile que se presentan en el evento) a los siguientes eventos: juegos de baloncesto, duales / triangulares de lucha y duales de natación. Dos familiares por participante en invitaciones de lucha libre y triangulares de natación. Los límites de espectadores permanecerán en un miembro de la familia por participante para jugar a los bolos. Para ver la lista completa de protocolos y oportunidades para seguir a los Tigres en línea a través de STRIV TV o HUDL / YouTube, visite


Como recordatorio, el distrito anunció dos días de salida anticipada en enero, viernes 15 de enero y viernes 29 de enero. Los horarios de salida serán FHS 1:00 pm, ELEM 1:10 pm, JCAC 1:15 pm, FMS 1:25 pm. Se servirá almuerzo y se proporcionará transporte a aquellos estudiantes que usualmente usan el transporte de FPS. Los estudiantes que utilizan los programas después de la escuela asistirán a su programación normal después de la salida temprana.


Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont invitan a la comunidad a participar en una encuesta sobre las instalaciones del distrito. Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont tienen la oportunidad, durante los próximos años, de actualizar y / o reconstruir nuestras antiguas instalaciones. Esta oportunidad se presenta con base en bonos que están venciendo, un mercado de bonos favorable y un mercado de construcción favorable. Para avanzar, se requiere una elección de bonos exitosa. El propósito de esta encuesta es recopilar comentarios de la comunidad para comenzar a priorizar las necesidades del distrito. El tamaño, el alcance y la estructura de una emisión de bonos se determinarán en función de estas necesidades priorizadas. La encuesta se puede completar en La encuesta se cerrará el 15 de enero a las 11:59 pm.


Fremont, Neb. – (Jan. 4, 2021) Fremont High School is releasing updated protocol for activities for the winter and the precautionary steps that are being taken to ensure the safety of all involved. These changes are in reference to guidance from the Nebraska State Activities Association (NSAA). 


The updated protocol for all sports will be as follows:

  • FOUR family members per participant are allowed to attend (this includes cheer and dance team members performing at the event) at the following events: basketball games, wrestling duals/triangulars and swimming duals. 
  • TWO family members per participant at wrestling invites and swimming triangulars.
  • Spectator limits will remain at ONE family member per participant for bowling.  


All other prior protocols will remain in effect.

  • Masks are required at all Fremont Public Schools venues
  • Prior to attending an event, please self assess for symptoms, do not attend if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid- wash hands frequently, social distance when possible. If you have recently been tested for COVID-19 please stay home until test results are known. FHS will sanitize the benches in between games.
  • Athletes: Players are required to wear masks on the bench/locker room/hallways/but not when actively participating in the sport (warming-up/competing).
  • Spectators/Coaches/Cheer/Dance/Other school or team personnel: Masks are required per the NSAA and FPS policies at all indoor events.  
  • NO concessions will be provided and NO food or drinks will be allowed in the gyms. 
  • Household members must sit together, please keep 6 feet of distance between groups. Please abide by our social distancing expectations. 
  • Temperatures will be taken upon entry. Anyone with a temperature of 100.0° or higher will not be allowed to enter. 
  • Fremont High School Fans will enter from the North Parking Lot Commons Doors (#5)
  • FHS Seating: Fremont Fans will be seated on the West side of the Bahe gym, visiting fans will be located on the upper deck of the East side. Teams will be located on the East side with chairs socially distanced. 
  • Programs will be available via QR codes only. We will not be printing programs. 
  • Streaming: Varsity contests will be available 


A full listing of each activity schedule can be found at


The protocol for each sport was developed based on guidance from the Heartland Athletic Conference, NSAA, the National Federation of High School Sports and Three Rivers Public Health. As a reminder, we must also follow the protocols that are put in place at away games. The host school of each event will communicate their protocol to families through the FHS Activities Office.


Scott Anderson, FHS Activities Director, shared, “We will continue to monitor changes from the State of Nebraska, NSAA, Three Rivers Public Health Department and make changes to our protocol as it is necessary.”




The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.

Fremont Public Schools Announces Schedule Changes


Fremont, Neb. – (Jan. 4, 2021) Fremont Public Schools, under the direction of the Board of Education working with the Fremont Education Association, is announcing additional teacher work time to create modules on the Canvas, Seesaw and other additional learning platforms. Classes will be dismissed early on two Fridays in January.  The Board of Education will also consider several early release days in February and March during their January Board of Education meeting.


The two early dismissal days in January will be Friday, January 15 and Friday, January 29. Dismissal times will be FHS 1:00 pm, ELEM 1:10 pm, JCAC 1:15 pm, FMS 1:25 pm. Lunch will be served and transportation will be provided to those students who typically use FPS transportation. Students that utilize the afterschool programs will attend their normal programming following the early dismissal. 


 “We have a great relationship with the FPS administration and Board of Education and appreciate their willingness to accommodate the extra work our teachers are putting in,” said Doug Sheppard, president of FEA. 


Sandi Proskovec, Board of Education president stated, “Our teachers have put in exceptional effort this school year. The extra planning time in January, in addition to already scheduled professional development days, will help teachers better manage the additional workload due to the online learning option.”




The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.


Las escuelas públicas de Fremont anuncia cambios de horario


Fremont, Nebraska – (4 de enero de 2021) Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont, bajo la dirección de la Junta de Educación que trabaja con la Asociación de Educación de Fremont, anuncian tiempo de trabajo adicional para los maestros para crear módulos en Canvas, Seesaw y otras plataformas de aprendizaje adicionales. Las clases saldrán temprano los dos viernes de enero. La Junta de Educación también considerará varios días de salida temprana en febrero y marzo durante la reunión de la Junta de Educación de enero.


Los dos días de salida temprana en enero serán el viernes 15 de enero y el viernes 29 de enero. Los horarios de salida serán FHS 1:00 pm, ELEM 1:10 pm, JCAC 1:15 pm, FMS 1:25 pm. Se servirá almuerzo y se proporcionará transporte a aquellos estudiantes que usualmente usan el transporte de FPS. Los estudiantes que utilizan los programas después de la escuela asistirán a su programación normal después de la salida temprana. 


 “Tenemos una gran relación con la administración de FPS y la Junta de Educación y apreciamos su disposición para adaptarse al trabajo adicional que están realizando nuestros maestros”, dijo Doug Sheppard, presidente de FEA. 


Sandi Proskovec, presidenta de la Junta de Educación declaró: “Nuestros maestros han hecho un esfuerzo excepcional este año escolar. El tiempo de planificación adicional en enero, además de los días de desarrollo profesional ya programados, ayudará a los maestros a administrar mejor la carga de trabajo adicional debido a la opción de aprendizaje en línea “.


Fremont Public Schools Reporting COVID-19 Updates 

Fremont, Neb. – (Dec. 17, 2020) Fremont Public Schools released information today related to:

  1. The number of students and staff absent due to testing positive for COVID-19.  
  2. The number of students and staff in quarantine due to close contact exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting test results.
  3. The number of students utilizing the virtual learning environment.
  4. Risk Dial remained consistent at 3.14 this week
  5. Activity protocol update

The breakdown of the numbers is as follows:

Number of Students not in school today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 17

Number of Students not in school today due to quarantine: 114

Total number of students absent today for any illness: 144

Number of employees not working today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 4

Number of employees not working today due to quarantine: 11

Number of certified teaching staff not at work today for any reason: 15

The District does not release information by school or grade level in an effort to not share information that is personally identifiable. This would be in violation of FERPA (Federal Education Rights to Privacy Act) and potentially employment and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) laws. 

The District also released current enrollment numbers for students participating in the virtual learning environment.  As of today, 478 students are enrolled in the virtual school option – this represents approximately 9.98% of the overall student enrollment of 4,789. 

The Three Rivers Public Health Risk Dial for Dodge County remained consistent at 3.14 – at high orange this week. As a reminder, the Dial utilizes eight data points on a rolling three week average.  

The first semester of learning ended today. We recognize the challenges of this semester and are proud of the work that so many of you have put into being successful. If students have not been successful with virtual learning, a school official will be in contact with families regarding their options for next semester.  Students and parents interested in returning to in-class learning at semester should contact their building principal.  “The efforts by our teachers, parents and students during these unprecedented times have been amazing”, stated Brent Cudly, coordinator of online learning.  “Students have continued to learn and earn grades and credits – we encourage families to consider coming back to in class learning when they are comfortable, online learning has been good but there’s no substitute for the learning that takes place in the classroom,” he concluded.

Fremont Public Schools updated winter activity protocols this week. As a reminder, attendance will be limited to immediate household members of students only. Four household members, with an exception of grandparents living outside of the household, will be allowed for basketball games and wrestling duals and triangulars. Two household members, with an exception of grandparents living outside of the household, will be allowed for wrestling invitationals. One household member will be allowed for swimming and bowling. 

To view the full list of protocols and opportunities to follow the Tigers online through STRIV TV or HUDL/YouTube, visit  “We are excited that the Governor and NSAA have reduced the number of restrictions for high school competitions.  With good results over the next few weeks we anticipate a further relaxation of the restrictions beginning January 4, allowing more people to come support our students as they compete,” stated Scott Anderson, activities director for Fremont High School.

“In July and early August there were many more unknowns regarding COVID-19 and the reality of being able to safely and successfully keep our schools open.  With the guidance of Terra Uhing of Three Rivers Public Health and the hard work of all of our employees we have been able to make it to a well deserved winter break,” shared Mark Shepard, Superintendent of Schools.  “I want to personally thank our Board of Education and staff for their commitment to our students, our families and the community. Instead of dwelling on the challenges of 2020, this time of year provides the opportunity to reflect on everything we’ve been able collectively to accomplish as we look forward with great anticipation to the new year – we have much to be thankful for.”


The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.


Escuelas Públicas de Fremont Reportando actualizaciones de COVID-19 

Fremont, Neb. – (17 de diciembre de 2020) Las escuelas públicas de Fremont publicaron información hoy relacionada con:

  1. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal ausentes debido a que dieron positivo en la prueba de COVID-19.  
  2. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal en cuarentena debido a la exposición por contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19 o está esperando los resultados de la prueba.
  3. El número de estudiantes que utilizan el entorno de aprendizaje virtual.
  4. Risk Dial se mantuvo constante en 3.14 esta semana
  5. Actualización del protocolo de actividades

El desglose de los números es el siguiente:

Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva: 17

Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la cuarentena: 114

Número total de los estudiantes ausentes hoy en día para cualquier enfermedad: 144

Número de empleados hoy en día no trabajan debido a la positiva COVID-19 Prueba: 4

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy en día debido a la cuarentena: 11

Número de personal docente certificado no en el trabajo hoy en día por cualquier razón: 15

El El distrito no divulga información por escuela o nivel de grado en un esfuerzo por no compartir información que sea personalmente identificable. Esto sería una violación de FERPA (Ley Federal de Derechos de Educación a la Privacidad) y potencialmente las leyes de empleo y HIPAA (Ley de Responsabilidad de Portabilidad de Seguros de Salud). 

El Distrito también dio a conocer las cifras actuales de inscripción de los estudiantes que participan en el entorno de aprendizaje virtual. A la fecha, 478 estudiantes están inscritos en la opción de escuela virtual, lo que representa aproximadamente el 9,98% de la inscripción total de estudiantes de 4.789. 

El Dial de Riesgo de Salud Pública de Three Rivers para el condado de Dodge se mantuvo constante en 3.14 , en naranja alta esta semana. Como recordatorio, el Dial utiliza ocho puntos de datos en un promedio móvil de tres semanas.  

El primer semestre de aprendizaje terminó hoy. Reconocemos los desafíos de este semestre y estamos orgullosos del trabajo que muchos de ustedes han puesto para tener éxito. Si los estudiantes no han tenido éxito con el aprendizaje virtual, un funcionario escolar se pondrá en contacto con las familias con respecto a sus opciones para el próximo semestre. Los estudiantes y padres interesados ​​en regresar al aprendizaje en clase durante el semestre deben comunicarse con el director de su escuela. “Los esfuerzos de nuestros maestros, padres y estudiantes durante estos tiempos sin precedentes han sido asombrosos”, afirmó Brent Cudly, coordinador de aprendizaje en línea. “Los estudiantes han seguido aprendiendo y obteniendo calificaciones y créditos; alentamos a las familias a que consideren volver al aprendizaje en clase cuando se sientan cómodos, el aprendizaje en línea ha sido bueno pero no hay sustituto para el aprendizaje que se lleva a cabo en el aula”, concluyó. .

Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont actualizaron los protocolos de actividades de invierno esta semana. Como recordatorio, la asistencia se limitará a los miembros inmediatos del hogar de los estudiantes únicamente. Cuatro miembros del hogar, con la excepción de los abuelos que viven fuera del hogar, podrán participar en juegos de baloncesto y luchas dobles y triangulares. Dos miembros del hogar, con la excepción de los abuelos que viven fuera del hogar, podrán participar en las invitaciones de lucha libre. Un miembro de la familia podrá nadar y jugar a los bolos. 

Para ver la lista completa de protocolos y oportunidades para seguir a los Tigres en línea a través de STRIV TV o HUDL / YouTube, visite “Estamos emocionados de que el gobernador y la NSAA hayan reducido la cantidad de restricciones para las competencias de las escuelas secundarias. Con buenos resultados durante las próximas semanas, anticipamos una mayor relajación de las restricciones a partir del 4 de enero, lo que permitirá que más personas vengan a apoyar a nuestros estudiantes mientras compiten ”, dijo Scott Anderson, director de actividades de Fremont High School.

“En julio y principios de agosto hubo muchas más incógnitas con respecto a COVID-19 y la realidad de poder mantener nuestras escuelas abiertas de manera segura y exitosa. Con la guía de Terra Uhing of Three Rivers Public Health y el arduo trabajo de todos nuestros empleados, hemos podido llegar a unas merecidas vacaciones de invierno ”, comentó Mark Shepard, superintendente de escuelas. “Quiero agradecer personalmente a nuestra Junta de Educación y al personal por su compromiso con nuestros estudiantes, nuestras familias y la comunidad. En lugar de insistir en los desafíos de 2020, esta época del año brinda la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre todo lo que hemos podido lograr colectivamente mientras esperamos con gran anticipación el nuevo año; tenemos mucho que agradecer ”.

Fremont High School Announces Updated Winter Sports Protocols


Fremont, Neb. – (Dec. 15, 2020) Fremont High School is releasing updated protocol for activities for the winter and the precautionary steps that are being taken to ensure the safety of all involved. These changes are in reference to guidance from the Nebraska State Activities Association (NSAA). 


The updated protocol for all sports will be as follows:

  • Masks are required at all Fremont Public Schools venues
  • FOUR household members per participant are allowed to attend (this includes cheer and dance team members performing at the event) at the following events: basketball games and wrestling duals/triangulars. 
    • Household members only with a grandparent exception living outside of the household.
  • TWO household members per participant at Wrestling Invites.
    • Household members only with a grandparent exception living outside of the household.
  • Spectator limits will remain at ONE household member per participant for swimming duals and bowling.  


All other prior protocols will remain in effect.

  • Prior to attending an event, please self assess for symptoms, do not attend if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid- wash hands frequently, social distance when possible. If you have recently been tested for COVID-19 please stay home until test results are known. FHS will sanitize the benches in between games.
  • Athletes: Players are required to wear masks on the bench/locker room/hallways/but not when actively participating in the sport (warming-up/competing).
  • Spectators/Coaches/Cheer/Dance/Other school or team personnel: Masks are required per the NSAA and FPS policies at all indoor events.  
  • NO concessions will be provided and NO food or drinks will be allowed in the gyms. 
  • Household members must sit together, please keep 6 feet of distance between groups. Please abide by our social distancing expectations. 
  • Temperatures will be taken upon entry. Anyone with a temperature of 100.0° or higher will not be allowed to enter. 
  • Fremont High School Fans will enter from the North Parking Lot Commons Doors (#5)
  • FHS Seating: Fremont Fans will be seated on the West side of the Bahe gym, visiting fans will be located on the upper deck of the East side. Teams will be located on the East side with chairs socially distanced. 
  • Programs will be available via QR codes only. We will not be printing programs. 
  • Streaming: Varsity contests will be available 


Fremont High School is also announcing a schedule change for the basketball games on this Friday, December 18.

  • All games will be played at Fremont High School.
  • Boys JV Basketball will play Omaha Burke at 4:15 pm.
  • Boys Varsity Basketball will play Omaha Burke at 5:45 pm.
  • Girls Varsity Basketball will play Omaha Burke at 8:00 pm.
  • The gym will be cleared of all spectators following the Boys Varsity game for sanitization.


A full listing of each activity schedule can be found at


The protocol for each sport was developed based on guidance from the Heartland Athletic Conference, NSAA, the National Federation of High School Sports and Three Rivers Public Health. As a reminder, we must also follow the protocols that are put in place at away games. The host school of each event will communicate their protocol to families through the FHS Activities Office.


Scott Anderson, FHS Activities Director, shared, “We are excited that we are able to increase the number of spectators at our home basketball and wrestling events. We will continue to work with schools that will be hosting away contests to understand their protocol and will communicate this information with our athletes and their families.”




The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.

Fremont Public Schools Reporting COVID-19 Updates

Fremont, Neb. – (Dec. 11, 2020) Fremont Public Schools released information today related to:

  1. The number of students and staff absent due to testing positive for COVID-19.  
  2. The number of students and staff in quarantine due to close contact exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting test results.
  3. The number of students utilizing the virtual learning environment.
  4. Risk Dial stayed the same at 3.14 this week
  5. New quarantine guidelines
  6. Community Health Directive requiring masks

The breakdown of the numbers is as follows:

Number of Students not in school today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 20

Number of Students not in school today due to quarantine: 95

Total number of students absent today for any illness: 158

Number of employees not working today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 11

Number of employees not working today due to quarantine: 13

Number of certified teaching staff not at work today for any reason: 38

The District does not release information by school or grade level in an effort to not share information that is personally identifiable. This would be in violation of FERPA (Federal Education Rights to Privacy Act) and potentially employment and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) laws. 

The District also released current enrollment numbers for students participating in the virtual learning environment.  As of today, 480 students are enrolled in the virtual school option – this represents approximately 10.02% of the overall student enrollment of 4,790. 

The Three Rivers Public Health Risk Dial for Dodge County stayed the same at 3.14 – at mid orange this week. As a reminder, the Dial utilizes eight data points on a rolling three week average.  

Our first semester of learning will come to an end on December 17. We recognize the challenges of this semester and are proud of the work that so many of you have put into being successful. If students have not been successful with virtual learning, a school official will be in contact with families regarding their options for next semester.  Students and parents interested in returning to in-class learning at semester should contact their building principal.

Fremont Public Schools announced the winter activity protocols last week. As a reminder, attendance will be limited to immediate household members of students only. Two immediate household members will be allowed for basketball games and wrestling duals and triangulars. One immediate household member will be allowed for swimming, bowling and wrestling invitationals. To view the full list of protocols and opportunities to follow the Tigers online through  STRIV TV or HUDL/YouTube, visit 

Three Rivers Public Health Department released new guidance from the state of Nebraska regarding quarantining for those who are exposed to someone who tests positive.  This new guidance is effective as of 5:00 PM Thursday, December 3, 2020. 

A quarantine may discontinue without testing under the following conditions:

  • At least ten days have passed since close contact exposure AND
  • No COVID-19 symptoms have developed and the person self-monitors for COVID-19 symptoms and wears a facial covering through day 14 since last close contact.

A quarantine may discontinue with testing under the following conditions: 

  • At least seven days have passed since close contact exposure, no COVID-19 symptoms have developed AND 
  • Results of a diagnostic specimen test (molecular or antigen) is negative that was collected no earlier than five days since last close contact exposure AND 
  • The person self-monitors for COVID-19 symptoms and wears a facial covering through day 14 since last close contact.    

As a reminder, the Fremont Board of Health issued a Community Health Directive on Saturday, November 28 that masks are to be worn by individuals age five and older to wear a face covering while indoors, in public through January 31, 2021. 


The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.


Escuelas Públicas de Fremont Reportando Actualizaciones de COVID-19 

Fremont, Neb. – (11 de diciembre de 2020) Las escuelas públicas de Fremont publicaron información hoy relacionada con:

  1. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal ausentes debido a que dieron positivo en la prueba de COVID-19.  
  2. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal en cuarentena debido a la exposición por contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19 o está esperando los resultados de la prueba.
  3. El número de estudiantes que utilizan el entorno de aprendizaje virtual.
  4. Risk Dial se mantuvo igual en 3.14 esta semana
  5. Nuevas pautas de cuarentena
  6. Directiva de salud comunitaria que requiere máscaras

El desglose de los números es el siguiente:

Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva: 20

Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido hacer cuarentena: 95

Número total de estudiantes ausentes hoy por alguna enfermedad: 158

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva: 11

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la cuarentena: 13

Número de personal docente certificado que no trabaja hoy por cualquier motivo: 38

El distrito no divulga información por la escuela o nivel de grado en un esfuerzo por no compartir información que sea personalmente identificable. Esto sería una violación de FERPA (Ley Federal de Derechos de Educación a la Privacidad) y potencialmente las leyes de empleo y HIPAA (Ley de Responsabilidad de Portabilidad de Seguros de Salud). 

El Distrito también dio a conocer las cifras actuales de inscripción de los estudiantes que participan en el entorno de aprendizaje virtual. A la fecha, 480 estudiantes están inscritos en la opción de escuela virtual; esto representa aproximadamente el 10,02% de la inscripción total de estudiantes de 4,790. 

El Dial de Riesgo de Salud Pública de Three Rivers para el condado de Dodge se mantuvo igual en 3.14, a mediados de naranja esta semana. Como recordatorio, el Dial utiliza ocho puntos de datos en un promedio móvil de tres semanas.  

Nuestro primer semestre de aprendizaje terminará el 17 de diciembre. Reconocemos los desafíos de este semestre y estamos orgullosos del trabajo que muchos de ustedes han puesto para tener éxito. Si los estudiantes no han tenido éxito con el aprendizaje virtual, un funcionario escolar se pondrá en contacto con las familias con respecto a sus opciones para el próximo semestre. Los estudiantes y padres interesados ​​en regresar al aprendizaje en clase durante el semestre deben comunicarse con el director de su escuela.

Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont anunciaron los protocolos de actividades de invierno la semana pasada. Como recordatorio, la asistencia se limitará a los miembros inmediatos del hogar de los estudiantes únicamente. Se permitirán dos miembros de la familia inmediata para juegos de baloncesto y lucha libre dual y triangular. Se permitirá un miembro de la familia inmediata para las invitaciones de natación, bolos y lucha libre. Para ver la lista completa de protocolos y oportunidades para seguir a los Tigres en línea a través de STRIV TV o HUDL / Youtube, visite

El Departamento de Salud Pública de Three Rivers publicó una nueva guía del estado de Nebraska con respecto a la cuarentena para aquellos que están expuestos a alguien que da positivo en la prueba. Esta nueva guía entra en vigencia a partir de las 5:00 jueves 3 de diciembre de 2020. 

Una cuarentena puede suspenderse sin realizar pruebas en las siguientes condiciones:

  • Han pasado al menos diez días desde la exposición por contacto cercano Y
  • p. M. Delno se han desarrollado síntomas de COVID-19 y la persona se autocontrola para detectar los síntomas del COVID-19 y usa una cubierta facial hasta el día 14 desde el último contacto cercano.

Una cuarentena puede suspenderse con la prueba bajo las siguientes condiciones: 

  • Han pasado al menos siete días desde la exposición por contacto cercano, no se han desarrollado síntomas de COVID-19 Y los 
  • resultados de una prueba de muestra de diagnóstico (molecular o antígeno) son negativos y se recolectaron no antes de cinco días desde la última exposición por contacto cercano Y 
  • la persona se auto-monitorea para detectar síntomas de COVID-19 y usa una cubierta facial hasta el día 14 desde el último contacto cercano.    

Como recordatorio, la Junta de Salud de Fremont emitió una Directiva de salud comunitaria el sábado 28 de noviembre que indica que las personas mayores de cinco años deben usar máscaras para cubrirse la cara mientras están en interiores, en público hasta el 31 de enero de 2021.

Fremont Public Schools Reporting COVID-19 Updates 

Fremont, Neb. – (Dec. 4, 2020) Fremont Public Schools released information today related to:

  1. The number of students and staff absent due to testing positive for COVID-19.  
  2. The number of students and staff in quarantine due to close contact exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting test results.
  3. The number of students utilizing the virtual learning environment.
  4. Risk Dial decreased from 3.43 to 3.14 this week
  5. New quarantine guidelines
  6. Community Health Directive requiring masks

The breakdown of the numbers is as follows:

Number of Students not in school today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 18

Number of Students not in school today due to quarantine: 154

Total number of students absent today for any illness: 147

Number of employees not working today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 16

Number of employees not working today due to quarantine: 18

Number of certified teaching staff not at work today for any reason: 37

The District does not release information by school or grade level in an effort to not share information that is personally identifiable. This would be in violation of FERPA (Federal Education Rights to Privacy Act) and potentially employment and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) laws. 

The District also released current enrollment numbers for students participating in the virtual learning environment.  As of today, 478 students are enrolled in the virtual school option – this represents approximately 9.98% of the overall student enrollment of 4,791. 

The Three Rivers Public Health Risk Dial for Dodge County decreased from 3.43 to 3.14 – from between orange and red to high orange this week. As a reminder, the Dial utilizes eight data points on a rolling three week average.  

Fremont Public Schools announced the winter activity protocols this week. Attendance will be limited to immediate household members of students only. Two immediate household members will be allowed for basketball games and wrestling duals and triangulars. One immediate household member will be allowed for swimming, bowling and wrestling invitationals. To view the full list of protocols, visit 

Three Rivers Public Health Department released new guidance from the state of Nebraska regarding quarantining for those who are exposed to someone who tests positive.  This new guidance is effective as of 5:00 PM Thursday, December 3, 2020. 

A quarantine may discontinue without testing under the following conditions:

  • At least ten days have passed since close contact exposure AND
  • No COVID-19 symptoms have developed and the person self-monitors for COVID-19 symptoms and wears a facial covering through day 14 since last close contact.

A quarantine may discontinue with testing under the following conditions: 

  • At least seven days have passed since close contact exposure, no COVID-19 symptoms have developed AND 
  • Results of a diagnostic specimen test (molecular or antigen) is negative that was collected no earlier than five days since last close contact exposure AND 
  • The person self-monitors for COVID-19 symptoms and wears a facial covering through day 14 since last close contact.    

As a reminder, the Fremont Board of Health issued a Community Health Directive on Saturday, November 28 that masks are to be worn by individuals age five and older to wear a face covering while indoors, in public through January 31, 2021. 


The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.



Escuelas Públicas de Fremont Reportando Actualizaciones de COVID-19 

Fremont, Neb. – (4 de diciembre de 2020) Las escuelas públicas de Fremont publicaron información hoy relacionada con:

  1. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal ausentes debido a que dieron positivo en la prueba de COVID-19.  
  2. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal en cuarentena debido a la exposición por contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19 o que está esperando los resultados de la prueba.
  3. El número de estudiantes que utilizan el entorno de aprendizaje virtual.
  4. Risk Dial disminuyó de 3.43 a 3.14 esta semana
  5. Nuevas pautas de cuarentena
  6. Directiva de salud comunitaria que requiere máscaras

El desglose de los números es el siguiente:

Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva: 18

Número de estudiantes que hoy no asisten a la escuela hacer cuarentena: 154

Número total de estudiantes ausentes hoy por alguna enfermedad: 147

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva: 16

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la cuarentena: 18

Número de personal docente certificado que no trabaja hoy por cualquier motivo: 37

El Distrito no divulga información por escuela o nivel de grado en un esfuerzo por no compartir información que sea personalmente identificable. Esto sería una violación de FERPA (Ley Federal de Derechos de Educación a la Privacidad) y potencialmente las leyes de empleo y HIPAA (Ley de Responsabilidad de Portabilidad de Seguros de Salud). 

El Distrito también dio a conocer las cifras actuales de inscripción de los estudiantes que participan en el entorno de aprendizaje virtual. A la fecha, 478 estudiantes están inscritos en la opción de escuela virtual, lo que representa aproximadamente el 9,98% de la inscripción total de estudiantes de 4.791. 

El Dial de Riesgo de Salud Pública de Three Rivers para el condado de Dodge disminuyó de 3,43 a 3,14 , de entre naranja y rojo a naranja alto esta semana. Como recordatorio, el Dial utiliza ocho puntos de datos en un promedio de tres semanas.  

Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont anunciaron los protocolos de actividades de invierno esta semana. La asistencia se limitará a los miembros inmediatos del hogar de los estudiantes únicamente. Se permitirán dos miembros de la familia inmediata para los juegos de baloncesto y los duales y triangulares de lucha libre. Un miembro de la familia inmediata podrá participar en las invitaciones de natación, bolos y lucha libre. Para ver la lista completa de protocolos, visite 

El Departamento de Salud Pública de Three Rivers publicó una nueva guía del estado de Nebraska con respecto a la cuarentena para quienes están expuestos a alguien que da positivo en la prueba. Esta nueva guía entra en vigencia a partir de las 5:00jueves 3 de diciembre de 2020. 

Una cuarentena puede suspenderse sin realizar pruebas en las siguientes condiciones:

  • Han pasado al menos diez días desde la exposición por contacto cercano Y
  • p. M. Delno se han desarrollado síntomas de COVID-19 y la persona se autocontrola para detectar los síntomas del COVID-19 y usa una cubierta facial hasta el día 14 desde el último contacto cercano.

Una cuarentena puede interrumpirse con la prueba en las siguientes condiciones: 

  • Han pasado al menos siete días desde la exposición por contacto cercano, no se han desarrollado síntomas de COVID-19 Y los 
  • resultados de una prueba de muestra de diagnóstico (molecular o antígeno) son negativos y se obtuvieron no antes de cinco días desde la última exposición por contacto cercano Y 
  • la persona se auto-monitorea para detectar síntomas de COVID-19 y usa una cubierta facial hasta el día 14 desde el último contacto cercano.    

Como recordatorio, la Junta de Salud de Fremont emitió una Directiva de salud comunitaria el sábado 28 de noviembre que indica que las personas mayores de cinco años deben usar máscaras para cubrirse la cara mientras están en interiores, en público hasta el 31 de enero de 2021. 

Fremont High School Announces Winter Sports Protocols


Fremont, Neb. – (Dec. 2, 2020) With the start of the winter sports season, Fremont High School released their protocol for activities for the winter and the precautionary steps that are being taken to ensure the safety of all involved.  “We’ve had a great start to the school year and success with our fall activity protocols. Our students are excited for the winter sports season. We have spent considerable time planning for a safe environment for our students to perform, compete, and showcase their talents,” stated Myron  Sikora, High School Principal.


The first contests for Fremont High School will be as follows:

Boys Wrestling: Thursday, December 3 Triangular at Blair High School at 5:00 pm

Swimming: Thursday, December 3 at Fremont Dillon Aquatic Center with Columbus at 4:30 pm

Girls Basketball: Thursday, December 3 at Al Bahe Gym vs Millard West 7:30 pm

Boys Basketball: Thursday, December 3 at Fremont Middle School vs Millard West at 8:15 pm

Bowling: Thursday, December 3 Double Dual at Western Bowl in Millard at 12:00 pm

Girls Wrestling: Saturday, December 12 Invitational at West Point-Beemer at 5:00 pm

A full listing of each schedule can be found at

The protocol for all sports will be as follows:

  • Masks are required at all Fremont Public Schools venues
  • TWO immediate household members per athlete are allowed to attend (this includes parents/guardians of cheer and dance team members) at the following events: basketball games and wrestling duals/triangulars. 
  • ONE immediate household member per athlete at Wrestling Invites and Swimming duals.  
    • The “HOUSEHOLD ONLY” spectator requirement is part of the Governor’s Directed Health Measure enacted Statewide on November 24.
  • Prior to attending an event, please self assess for symptoms, do not attend if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid- wash hands frequently, social distance when possible. If you have recently been tested for COVID-19 please stay home until test results are known. FHS will sanitize the benches in between games.
  • Athletes: Players are required to wear masks on the bench/locker room/hallways/but not when actively participating in the sport (warming-up/competing).
  • Spectators/Coaches/Cheer/Dance/Other school or team personnel: Masks are required per the NSAA and FPS policies at all indoor events.  
  • NO concessions will be provided and NO food or drinks will be allowed in the gyms. 
  • Household members must sit together, please keep 6 feet of distance between groups. Please abide by our social distancing expectations. 
  • Temperatures will be taken upon entry. Anyone with a temperature of 100.0° or higher will not be allowed to enter. 
  • Fremont High School Fans will enter from the North Parking Lot Commons Doors (#5)
  • FHS Seating: Fremont Fans will be seated on the west side of the Bahe gym, visiting fans will be located on the upper deck of the east side. Teams will be located on the east side with chairs socially distanced. 
  • Fremont Middle School Seating: Fremont Fans will be seated on the South side of the FMS gym, visiting fans will be located on the upper area of the North side. Teams will be located on the North side with players socially distanced in the first three rows of the bleachers on the North side.
  • Programs will be available via QR codes only. We will not be printing programs. 
  • Streaming: Varsity contests will be available 

The protocol for each sport was developed based on guidance from the Heartland Athletic Conference, NSAA, the National Federation of High School Sports and Three Rivers Public Health.

Scott Anderson, FHS Activities Director, shared, “We continue to work with schools that will be hosting away contests to understand their protocol.  As we approach away contests we will communicate with our families the restrictions that are in place.  As we progress through the winter sports season, adjustments may need to be made to these plans.”

“We really appreciate our friends and families wearing their masks and following these protocols to keep everyone safe. This helps ensure that myself and my fellow athletes have the opportunity to compete this winter season!” stated returning letter winner, junior girls basketball player, Macy Bryant.



The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.