Fremont Public Schools Reporting COVID-19 Updates 

Fremont, Neb. – (Dec. 17, 2020) Fremont Public Schools released information today related to:

  1. The number of students and staff absent due to testing positive for COVID-19.  
  2. The number of students and staff in quarantine due to close contact exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting test results.
  3. The number of students utilizing the virtual learning environment.
  4. Risk Dial remained consistent at 3.14 this week
  5. Activity protocol update

The breakdown of the numbers is as follows:

Number of Students not in school today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 17

Number of Students not in school today due to quarantine: 114

Total number of students absent today for any illness: 144

Number of employees not working today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 4

Number of employees not working today due to quarantine: 11

Number of certified teaching staff not at work today for any reason: 15

The District does not release information by school or grade level in an effort to not share information that is personally identifiable. This would be in violation of FERPA (Federal Education Rights to Privacy Act) and potentially employment and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) laws. 

The District also released current enrollment numbers for students participating in the virtual learning environment.  As of today, 478 students are enrolled in the virtual school option – this represents approximately 9.98% of the overall student enrollment of 4,789. 

The Three Rivers Public Health Risk Dial for Dodge County remained consistent at 3.14 – at high orange this week. As a reminder, the Dial utilizes eight data points on a rolling three week average.  

The first semester of learning ended today. We recognize the challenges of this semester and are proud of the work that so many of you have put into being successful. If students have not been successful with virtual learning, a school official will be in contact with families regarding their options for next semester.  Students and parents interested in returning to in-class learning at semester should contact their building principal.  “The efforts by our teachers, parents and students during these unprecedented times have been amazing”, stated Brent Cudly, coordinator of online learning.  “Students have continued to learn and earn grades and credits – we encourage families to consider coming back to in class learning when they are comfortable, online learning has been good but there’s no substitute for the learning that takes place in the classroom,” he concluded.

Fremont Public Schools updated winter activity protocols this week. As a reminder, attendance will be limited to immediate household members of students only. Four household members, with an exception of grandparents living outside of the household, will be allowed for basketball games and wrestling duals and triangulars. Two household members, with an exception of grandparents living outside of the household, will be allowed for wrestling invitationals. One household member will be allowed for swimming and bowling. 

To view the full list of protocols and opportunities to follow the Tigers online through STRIV TV or HUDL/YouTube, visit  “We are excited that the Governor and NSAA have reduced the number of restrictions for high school competitions.  With good results over the next few weeks we anticipate a further relaxation of the restrictions beginning January 4, allowing more people to come support our students as they compete,” stated Scott Anderson, activities director for Fremont High School.

“In July and early August there were many more unknowns regarding COVID-19 and the reality of being able to safely and successfully keep our schools open.  With the guidance of Terra Uhing of Three Rivers Public Health and the hard work of all of our employees we have been able to make it to a well deserved winter break,” shared Mark Shepard, Superintendent of Schools.  “I want to personally thank our Board of Education and staff for their commitment to our students, our families and the community. Instead of dwelling on the challenges of 2020, this time of year provides the opportunity to reflect on everything we’ve been able collectively to accomplish as we look forward with great anticipation to the new year – we have much to be thankful for.”


The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.


Escuelas Públicas de Fremont Reportando actualizaciones de COVID-19 

Fremont, Neb. – (17 de diciembre de 2020) Las escuelas públicas de Fremont publicaron información hoy relacionada con:

  1. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal ausentes debido a que dieron positivo en la prueba de COVID-19.  
  2. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal en cuarentena debido a la exposición por contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19 o está esperando los resultados de la prueba.
  3. El número de estudiantes que utilizan el entorno de aprendizaje virtual.
  4. Risk Dial se mantuvo constante en 3.14 esta semana
  5. Actualización del protocolo de actividades

El desglose de los números es el siguiente:

Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva: 17

Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la cuarentena: 114

Número total de los estudiantes ausentes hoy en día para cualquier enfermedad: 144

Número de empleados hoy en día no trabajan debido a la positiva COVID-19 Prueba: 4

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy en día debido a la cuarentena: 11

Número de personal docente certificado no en el trabajo hoy en día por cualquier razón: 15

El El distrito no divulga información por escuela o nivel de grado en un esfuerzo por no compartir información que sea personalmente identificable. Esto sería una violación de FERPA (Ley Federal de Derechos de Educación a la Privacidad) y potencialmente las leyes de empleo y HIPAA (Ley de Responsabilidad de Portabilidad de Seguros de Salud). 

El Distrito también dio a conocer las cifras actuales de inscripción de los estudiantes que participan en el entorno de aprendizaje virtual. A la fecha, 478 estudiantes están inscritos en la opción de escuela virtual, lo que representa aproximadamente el 9,98% de la inscripción total de estudiantes de 4.789. 

El Dial de Riesgo de Salud Pública de Three Rivers para el condado de Dodge se mantuvo constante en 3.14 , en naranja alta esta semana. Como recordatorio, el Dial utiliza ocho puntos de datos en un promedio móvil de tres semanas.  

El primer semestre de aprendizaje terminó hoy. Reconocemos los desafíos de este semestre y estamos orgullosos del trabajo que muchos de ustedes han puesto para tener éxito. Si los estudiantes no han tenido éxito con el aprendizaje virtual, un funcionario escolar se pondrá en contacto con las familias con respecto a sus opciones para el próximo semestre. Los estudiantes y padres interesados ​​en regresar al aprendizaje en clase durante el semestre deben comunicarse con el director de su escuela. “Los esfuerzos de nuestros maestros, padres y estudiantes durante estos tiempos sin precedentes han sido asombrosos”, afirmó Brent Cudly, coordinador de aprendizaje en línea. “Los estudiantes han seguido aprendiendo y obteniendo calificaciones y créditos; alentamos a las familias a que consideren volver al aprendizaje en clase cuando se sientan cómodos, el aprendizaje en línea ha sido bueno pero no hay sustituto para el aprendizaje que se lleva a cabo en el aula”, concluyó. .

Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont actualizaron los protocolos de actividades de invierno esta semana. Como recordatorio, la asistencia se limitará a los miembros inmediatos del hogar de los estudiantes únicamente. Cuatro miembros del hogar, con la excepción de los abuelos que viven fuera del hogar, podrán participar en juegos de baloncesto y luchas dobles y triangulares. Dos miembros del hogar, con la excepción de los abuelos que viven fuera del hogar, podrán participar en las invitaciones de lucha libre. Un miembro de la familia podrá nadar y jugar a los bolos. 

Para ver la lista completa de protocolos y oportunidades para seguir a los Tigres en línea a través de STRIV TV o HUDL / YouTube, visite “Estamos emocionados de que el gobernador y la NSAA hayan reducido la cantidad de restricciones para las competencias de las escuelas secundarias. Con buenos resultados durante las próximas semanas, anticipamos una mayor relajación de las restricciones a partir del 4 de enero, lo que permitirá que más personas vengan a apoyar a nuestros estudiantes mientras compiten ”, dijo Scott Anderson, director de actividades de Fremont High School.

“En julio y principios de agosto hubo muchas más incógnitas con respecto a COVID-19 y la realidad de poder mantener nuestras escuelas abiertas de manera segura y exitosa. Con la guía de Terra Uhing of Three Rivers Public Health y el arduo trabajo de todos nuestros empleados, hemos podido llegar a unas merecidas vacaciones de invierno ”, comentó Mark Shepard, superintendente de escuelas. “Quiero agradecer personalmente a nuestra Junta de Educación y al personal por su compromiso con nuestros estudiantes, nuestras familias y la comunidad. En lugar de insistir en los desafíos de 2020, esta época del año brinda la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre todo lo que hemos podido lograr colectivamente mientras esperamos con gran anticipación el nuevo año; tenemos mucho que agradecer ”.

Fremont High School Announces Updated Winter Sports Protocols


Fremont, Neb. – (Dec. 15, 2020) Fremont High School is releasing updated protocol for activities for the winter and the precautionary steps that are being taken to ensure the safety of all involved. These changes are in reference to guidance from the Nebraska State Activities Association (NSAA). 


The updated protocol for all sports will be as follows:

  • Masks are required at all Fremont Public Schools venues
  • FOUR household members per participant are allowed to attend (this includes cheer and dance team members performing at the event) at the following events: basketball games and wrestling duals/triangulars. 
    • Household members only with a grandparent exception living outside of the household.
  • TWO household members per participant at Wrestling Invites.
    • Household members only with a grandparent exception living outside of the household.
  • Spectator limits will remain at ONE household member per participant for swimming duals and bowling.  


All other prior protocols will remain in effect.

  • Prior to attending an event, please self assess for symptoms, do not attend if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid- wash hands frequently, social distance when possible. If you have recently been tested for COVID-19 please stay home until test results are known. FHS will sanitize the benches in between games.
  • Athletes: Players are required to wear masks on the bench/locker room/hallways/but not when actively participating in the sport (warming-up/competing).
  • Spectators/Coaches/Cheer/Dance/Other school or team personnel: Masks are required per the NSAA and FPS policies at all indoor events.  
  • NO concessions will be provided and NO food or drinks will be allowed in the gyms. 
  • Household members must sit together, please keep 6 feet of distance between groups. Please abide by our social distancing expectations. 
  • Temperatures will be taken upon entry. Anyone with a temperature of 100.0° or higher will not be allowed to enter. 
  • Fremont High School Fans will enter from the North Parking Lot Commons Doors (#5)
  • FHS Seating: Fremont Fans will be seated on the West side of the Bahe gym, visiting fans will be located on the upper deck of the East side. Teams will be located on the East side with chairs socially distanced. 
  • Programs will be available via QR codes only. We will not be printing programs. 
  • Streaming: Varsity contests will be available 


Fremont High School is also announcing a schedule change for the basketball games on this Friday, December 18.

  • All games will be played at Fremont High School.
  • Boys JV Basketball will play Omaha Burke at 4:15 pm.
  • Boys Varsity Basketball will play Omaha Burke at 5:45 pm.
  • Girls Varsity Basketball will play Omaha Burke at 8:00 pm.
  • The gym will be cleared of all spectators following the Boys Varsity game for sanitization.


A full listing of each activity schedule can be found at


The protocol for each sport was developed based on guidance from the Heartland Athletic Conference, NSAA, the National Federation of High School Sports and Three Rivers Public Health. As a reminder, we must also follow the protocols that are put in place at away games. The host school of each event will communicate their protocol to families through the FHS Activities Office.


Scott Anderson, FHS Activities Director, shared, “We are excited that we are able to increase the number of spectators at our home basketball and wrestling events. We will continue to work with schools that will be hosting away contests to understand their protocol and will communicate this information with our athletes and their families.”




The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.

Fremont Public Schools Reporting COVID-19 Updates

Fremont, Neb. – (Dec. 11, 2020) Fremont Public Schools released information today related to:

  1. The number of students and staff absent due to testing positive for COVID-19.  
  2. The number of students and staff in quarantine due to close contact exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting test results.
  3. The number of students utilizing the virtual learning environment.
  4. Risk Dial stayed the same at 3.14 this week
  5. New quarantine guidelines
  6. Community Health Directive requiring masks

The breakdown of the numbers is as follows:

Number of Students not in school today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 20

Number of Students not in school today due to quarantine: 95

Total number of students absent today for any illness: 158

Number of employees not working today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 11

Number of employees not working today due to quarantine: 13

Number of certified teaching staff not at work today for any reason: 38

The District does not release information by school or grade level in an effort to not share information that is personally identifiable. This would be in violation of FERPA (Federal Education Rights to Privacy Act) and potentially employment and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) laws. 

The District also released current enrollment numbers for students participating in the virtual learning environment.  As of today, 480 students are enrolled in the virtual school option – this represents approximately 10.02% of the overall student enrollment of 4,790. 

The Three Rivers Public Health Risk Dial for Dodge County stayed the same at 3.14 – at mid orange this week. As a reminder, the Dial utilizes eight data points on a rolling three week average.  

Our first semester of learning will come to an end on December 17. We recognize the challenges of this semester and are proud of the work that so many of you have put into being successful. If students have not been successful with virtual learning, a school official will be in contact with families regarding their options for next semester.  Students and parents interested in returning to in-class learning at semester should contact their building principal.

Fremont Public Schools announced the winter activity protocols last week. As a reminder, attendance will be limited to immediate household members of students only. Two immediate household members will be allowed for basketball games and wrestling duals and triangulars. One immediate household member will be allowed for swimming, bowling and wrestling invitationals. To view the full list of protocols and opportunities to follow the Tigers online through  STRIV TV or HUDL/YouTube, visit 

Three Rivers Public Health Department released new guidance from the state of Nebraska regarding quarantining for those who are exposed to someone who tests positive.  This new guidance is effective as of 5:00 PM Thursday, December 3, 2020. 

A quarantine may discontinue without testing under the following conditions:

  • At least ten days have passed since close contact exposure AND
  • No COVID-19 symptoms have developed and the person self-monitors for COVID-19 symptoms and wears a facial covering through day 14 since last close contact.

A quarantine may discontinue with testing under the following conditions: 

  • At least seven days have passed since close contact exposure, no COVID-19 symptoms have developed AND 
  • Results of a diagnostic specimen test (molecular or antigen) is negative that was collected no earlier than five days since last close contact exposure AND 
  • The person self-monitors for COVID-19 symptoms and wears a facial covering through day 14 since last close contact.    

As a reminder, the Fremont Board of Health issued a Community Health Directive on Saturday, November 28 that masks are to be worn by individuals age five and older to wear a face covering while indoors, in public through January 31, 2021. 


The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.


Escuelas Públicas de Fremont Reportando Actualizaciones de COVID-19 

Fremont, Neb. – (11 de diciembre de 2020) Las escuelas públicas de Fremont publicaron información hoy relacionada con:

  1. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal ausentes debido a que dieron positivo en la prueba de COVID-19.  
  2. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal en cuarentena debido a la exposición por contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19 o está esperando los resultados de la prueba.
  3. El número de estudiantes que utilizan el entorno de aprendizaje virtual.
  4. Risk Dial se mantuvo igual en 3.14 esta semana
  5. Nuevas pautas de cuarentena
  6. Directiva de salud comunitaria que requiere máscaras

El desglose de los números es el siguiente:

Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva: 20

Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido hacer cuarentena: 95

Número total de estudiantes ausentes hoy por alguna enfermedad: 158

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva: 11

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la cuarentena: 13

Número de personal docente certificado que no trabaja hoy por cualquier motivo: 38

El distrito no divulga información por la escuela o nivel de grado en un esfuerzo por no compartir información que sea personalmente identificable. Esto sería una violación de FERPA (Ley Federal de Derechos de Educación a la Privacidad) y potencialmente las leyes de empleo y HIPAA (Ley de Responsabilidad de Portabilidad de Seguros de Salud). 

El Distrito también dio a conocer las cifras actuales de inscripción de los estudiantes que participan en el entorno de aprendizaje virtual. A la fecha, 480 estudiantes están inscritos en la opción de escuela virtual; esto representa aproximadamente el 10,02% de la inscripción total de estudiantes de 4,790. 

El Dial de Riesgo de Salud Pública de Three Rivers para el condado de Dodge se mantuvo igual en 3.14, a mediados de naranja esta semana. Como recordatorio, el Dial utiliza ocho puntos de datos en un promedio móvil de tres semanas.  

Nuestro primer semestre de aprendizaje terminará el 17 de diciembre. Reconocemos los desafíos de este semestre y estamos orgullosos del trabajo que muchos de ustedes han puesto para tener éxito. Si los estudiantes no han tenido éxito con el aprendizaje virtual, un funcionario escolar se pondrá en contacto con las familias con respecto a sus opciones para el próximo semestre. Los estudiantes y padres interesados ​​en regresar al aprendizaje en clase durante el semestre deben comunicarse con el director de su escuela.

Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont anunciaron los protocolos de actividades de invierno la semana pasada. Como recordatorio, la asistencia se limitará a los miembros inmediatos del hogar de los estudiantes únicamente. Se permitirán dos miembros de la familia inmediata para juegos de baloncesto y lucha libre dual y triangular. Se permitirá un miembro de la familia inmediata para las invitaciones de natación, bolos y lucha libre. Para ver la lista completa de protocolos y oportunidades para seguir a los Tigres en línea a través de STRIV TV o HUDL / Youtube, visite

El Departamento de Salud Pública de Three Rivers publicó una nueva guía del estado de Nebraska con respecto a la cuarentena para aquellos que están expuestos a alguien que da positivo en la prueba. Esta nueva guía entra en vigencia a partir de las 5:00 jueves 3 de diciembre de 2020. 

Una cuarentena puede suspenderse sin realizar pruebas en las siguientes condiciones:

  • Han pasado al menos diez días desde la exposición por contacto cercano Y
  • p. M. Delno se han desarrollado síntomas de COVID-19 y la persona se autocontrola para detectar los síntomas del COVID-19 y usa una cubierta facial hasta el día 14 desde el último contacto cercano.

Una cuarentena puede suspenderse con la prueba bajo las siguientes condiciones: 

  • Han pasado al menos siete días desde la exposición por contacto cercano, no se han desarrollado síntomas de COVID-19 Y los 
  • resultados de una prueba de muestra de diagnóstico (molecular o antígeno) son negativos y se recolectaron no antes de cinco días desde la última exposición por contacto cercano Y 
  • la persona se auto-monitorea para detectar síntomas de COVID-19 y usa una cubierta facial hasta el día 14 desde el último contacto cercano.    

Como recordatorio, la Junta de Salud de Fremont emitió una Directiva de salud comunitaria el sábado 28 de noviembre que indica que las personas mayores de cinco años deben usar máscaras para cubrirse la cara mientras están en interiores, en público hasta el 31 de enero de 2021.

Fremont Public Schools Reporting COVID-19 Updates 

Fremont, Neb. – (Dec. 4, 2020) Fremont Public Schools released information today related to:

  1. The number of students and staff absent due to testing positive for COVID-19.  
  2. The number of students and staff in quarantine due to close contact exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting test results.
  3. The number of students utilizing the virtual learning environment.
  4. Risk Dial decreased from 3.43 to 3.14 this week
  5. New quarantine guidelines
  6. Community Health Directive requiring masks

The breakdown of the numbers is as follows:

Number of Students not in school today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 18

Number of Students not in school today due to quarantine: 154

Total number of students absent today for any illness: 147

Number of employees not working today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 16

Number of employees not working today due to quarantine: 18

Number of certified teaching staff not at work today for any reason: 37

The District does not release information by school or grade level in an effort to not share information that is personally identifiable. This would be in violation of FERPA (Federal Education Rights to Privacy Act) and potentially employment and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) laws. 

The District also released current enrollment numbers for students participating in the virtual learning environment.  As of today, 478 students are enrolled in the virtual school option – this represents approximately 9.98% of the overall student enrollment of 4,791. 

The Three Rivers Public Health Risk Dial for Dodge County decreased from 3.43 to 3.14 – from between orange and red to high orange this week. As a reminder, the Dial utilizes eight data points on a rolling three week average.  

Fremont Public Schools announced the winter activity protocols this week. Attendance will be limited to immediate household members of students only. Two immediate household members will be allowed for basketball games and wrestling duals and triangulars. One immediate household member will be allowed for swimming, bowling and wrestling invitationals. To view the full list of protocols, visit 

Three Rivers Public Health Department released new guidance from the state of Nebraska regarding quarantining for those who are exposed to someone who tests positive.  This new guidance is effective as of 5:00 PM Thursday, December 3, 2020. 

A quarantine may discontinue without testing under the following conditions:

  • At least ten days have passed since close contact exposure AND
  • No COVID-19 symptoms have developed and the person self-monitors for COVID-19 symptoms and wears a facial covering through day 14 since last close contact.

A quarantine may discontinue with testing under the following conditions: 

  • At least seven days have passed since close contact exposure, no COVID-19 symptoms have developed AND 
  • Results of a diagnostic specimen test (molecular or antigen) is negative that was collected no earlier than five days since last close contact exposure AND 
  • The person self-monitors for COVID-19 symptoms and wears a facial covering through day 14 since last close contact.    

As a reminder, the Fremont Board of Health issued a Community Health Directive on Saturday, November 28 that masks are to be worn by individuals age five and older to wear a face covering while indoors, in public through January 31, 2021. 


The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.



Escuelas Públicas de Fremont Reportando Actualizaciones de COVID-19 

Fremont, Neb. – (4 de diciembre de 2020) Las escuelas públicas de Fremont publicaron información hoy relacionada con:

  1. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal ausentes debido a que dieron positivo en la prueba de COVID-19.  
  2. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal en cuarentena debido a la exposición por contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19 o que está esperando los resultados de la prueba.
  3. El número de estudiantes que utilizan el entorno de aprendizaje virtual.
  4. Risk Dial disminuyó de 3.43 a 3.14 esta semana
  5. Nuevas pautas de cuarentena
  6. Directiva de salud comunitaria que requiere máscaras

El desglose de los números es el siguiente:

Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva: 18

Número de estudiantes que hoy no asisten a la escuela hacer cuarentena: 154

Número total de estudiantes ausentes hoy por alguna enfermedad: 147

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva: 16

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la cuarentena: 18

Número de personal docente certificado que no trabaja hoy por cualquier motivo: 37

El Distrito no divulga información por escuela o nivel de grado en un esfuerzo por no compartir información que sea personalmente identificable. Esto sería una violación de FERPA (Ley Federal de Derechos de Educación a la Privacidad) y potencialmente las leyes de empleo y HIPAA (Ley de Responsabilidad de Portabilidad de Seguros de Salud). 

El Distrito también dio a conocer las cifras actuales de inscripción de los estudiantes que participan en el entorno de aprendizaje virtual. A la fecha, 478 estudiantes están inscritos en la opción de escuela virtual, lo que representa aproximadamente el 9,98% de la inscripción total de estudiantes de 4.791. 

El Dial de Riesgo de Salud Pública de Three Rivers para el condado de Dodge disminuyó de 3,43 a 3,14 , de entre naranja y rojo a naranja alto esta semana. Como recordatorio, el Dial utiliza ocho puntos de datos en un promedio de tres semanas.  

Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont anunciaron los protocolos de actividades de invierno esta semana. La asistencia se limitará a los miembros inmediatos del hogar de los estudiantes únicamente. Se permitirán dos miembros de la familia inmediata para los juegos de baloncesto y los duales y triangulares de lucha libre. Un miembro de la familia inmediata podrá participar en las invitaciones de natación, bolos y lucha libre. Para ver la lista completa de protocolos, visite 

El Departamento de Salud Pública de Three Rivers publicó una nueva guía del estado de Nebraska con respecto a la cuarentena para quienes están expuestos a alguien que da positivo en la prueba. Esta nueva guía entra en vigencia a partir de las 5:00jueves 3 de diciembre de 2020. 

Una cuarentena puede suspenderse sin realizar pruebas en las siguientes condiciones:

  • Han pasado al menos diez días desde la exposición por contacto cercano Y
  • p. M. Delno se han desarrollado síntomas de COVID-19 y la persona se autocontrola para detectar los síntomas del COVID-19 y usa una cubierta facial hasta el día 14 desde el último contacto cercano.

Una cuarentena puede interrumpirse con la prueba en las siguientes condiciones: 

  • Han pasado al menos siete días desde la exposición por contacto cercano, no se han desarrollado síntomas de COVID-19 Y los 
  • resultados de una prueba de muestra de diagnóstico (molecular o antígeno) son negativos y se obtuvieron no antes de cinco días desde la última exposición por contacto cercano Y 
  • la persona se auto-monitorea para detectar síntomas de COVID-19 y usa una cubierta facial hasta el día 14 desde el último contacto cercano.    

Como recordatorio, la Junta de Salud de Fremont emitió una Directiva de salud comunitaria el sábado 28 de noviembre que indica que las personas mayores de cinco años deben usar máscaras para cubrirse la cara mientras están en interiores, en público hasta el 31 de enero de 2021. 

Fremont High School Announces Winter Sports Protocols


Fremont, Neb. – (Dec. 2, 2020) With the start of the winter sports season, Fremont High School released their protocol for activities for the winter and the precautionary steps that are being taken to ensure the safety of all involved.  “We’ve had a great start to the school year and success with our fall activity protocols. Our students are excited for the winter sports season. We have spent considerable time planning for a safe environment for our students to perform, compete, and showcase their talents,” stated Myron  Sikora, High School Principal.


The first contests for Fremont High School will be as follows:

Boys Wrestling: Thursday, December 3 Triangular at Blair High School at 5:00 pm

Swimming: Thursday, December 3 at Fremont Dillon Aquatic Center with Columbus at 4:30 pm

Girls Basketball: Thursday, December 3 at Al Bahe Gym vs Millard West 7:30 pm

Boys Basketball: Thursday, December 3 at Fremont Middle School vs Millard West at 8:15 pm

Bowling: Thursday, December 3 Double Dual at Western Bowl in Millard at 12:00 pm

Girls Wrestling: Saturday, December 12 Invitational at West Point-Beemer at 5:00 pm

A full listing of each schedule can be found at

The protocol for all sports will be as follows:

  • Masks are required at all Fremont Public Schools venues
  • TWO immediate household members per athlete are allowed to attend (this includes parents/guardians of cheer and dance team members) at the following events: basketball games and wrestling duals/triangulars. 
  • ONE immediate household member per athlete at Wrestling Invites and Swimming duals.  
    • The “HOUSEHOLD ONLY” spectator requirement is part of the Governor’s Directed Health Measure enacted Statewide on November 24.
  • Prior to attending an event, please self assess for symptoms, do not attend if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid- wash hands frequently, social distance when possible. If you have recently been tested for COVID-19 please stay home until test results are known. FHS will sanitize the benches in between games.
  • Athletes: Players are required to wear masks on the bench/locker room/hallways/but not when actively participating in the sport (warming-up/competing).
  • Spectators/Coaches/Cheer/Dance/Other school or team personnel: Masks are required per the NSAA and FPS policies at all indoor events.  
  • NO concessions will be provided and NO food or drinks will be allowed in the gyms. 
  • Household members must sit together, please keep 6 feet of distance between groups. Please abide by our social distancing expectations. 
  • Temperatures will be taken upon entry. Anyone with a temperature of 100.0° or higher will not be allowed to enter. 
  • Fremont High School Fans will enter from the North Parking Lot Commons Doors (#5)
  • FHS Seating: Fremont Fans will be seated on the west side of the Bahe gym, visiting fans will be located on the upper deck of the east side. Teams will be located on the east side with chairs socially distanced. 
  • Fremont Middle School Seating: Fremont Fans will be seated on the South side of the FMS gym, visiting fans will be located on the upper area of the North side. Teams will be located on the North side with players socially distanced in the first three rows of the bleachers on the North side.
  • Programs will be available via QR codes only. We will not be printing programs. 
  • Streaming: Varsity contests will be available 

The protocol for each sport was developed based on guidance from the Heartland Athletic Conference, NSAA, the National Federation of High School Sports and Three Rivers Public Health.

Scott Anderson, FHS Activities Director, shared, “We continue to work with schools that will be hosting away contests to understand their protocol.  As we approach away contests we will communicate with our families the restrictions that are in place.  As we progress through the winter sports season, adjustments may need to be made to these plans.”

“We really appreciate our friends and families wearing their masks and following these protocols to keep everyone safe. This helps ensure that myself and my fellow athletes have the opportunity to compete this winter season!” stated returning letter winner, junior girls basketball player, Macy Bryant.



The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.

Fremont Public Schools Reporting COVID-19 Updates 

Fremont, Neb. – (Nov. 24, 2020) Fremont Public Schools released information today related to:


  1. The number of students and staff absent due to testing positive for COVID-19.  
  2. The number of students and staff in quarantine due to close contact exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting test results.
  3. The number of students utilizing the virtual learning environment.
  4. Risk Dial increased from 3.0 to 3.25 last week


The breakdown of the numbers is as follows:


Number of Students not in school today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 12

Number of Students not in school today due to quarantine: 153

Total number of students absent today for any illness: 170


Number of employees not working today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 10

Number of employees not working today due to quarantine: 22

Number of certified teaching staff not at work today for any reason: 46


The District does not release information by school or grade level in an effort to not share information that is personally identifiable. This would be in violation of FERPA (Federal Education Rights to Privacy Act) and potentially employment and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) laws. 


The District also released current enrollment numbers for students participating in the virtual learning environment.  As of today, 466 students are enrolled in the virtual school option – this represents approximately 9.7% of the overall student enrollment of 4,792. 


The Three Rivers Public Health Risk Dial for Dodge County increased from 3.0 to 3.25 – to high orange last week. The Risk Dial will be updated tomorrow. As a reminder, the Dial utilizes eight data points on a rolling three week average. 


Escuelas Públicas de Fremont Reportando Actualizaciones de COVID-19 

Fremont, Neb. – (24 de noviembre de 2020) Las escuelas públicas de Fremont publicaron información hoy relacionada con:


  1. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal ausentes debido a que dieron positivo en la prueba de COVID-19.  
  2. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal en cuarentena debido a la exposición por contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19 o está esperando los resultados de la prueba.
  3. El número de estudiantes que utilizan el entorno de aprendizaje virtual.
  4. Risk Dial aumentó de 3.0 a 3.25 la semana pasada


El desglose de los números es el siguiente:


Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva: 12

Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la cuarentena: 153

Número total de estudiantes ausentes hoy por alguna enfermedad: 170


Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva: 10

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la cuarentena: 22

Número de personal docente certificado que no trabaja hoy por cualquier motivo: 46


El Distrito no divulga información por escuela o nivel de grado en un esfuerzo por no compartir información que sea personalmente identificable. Esto sería una violación de FERPA (Ley Federal de Derechos de Educación a la Privacidad) y potencialmente las leyes de empleo y HIPAA (Ley de Responsabilidad de Portabilidad de Seguros de Salud). 


El Distrito también dio a conocer las cifras actuales de inscripción de los estudiantes que participan en el entorno de aprendizaje virtual. A la fecha, 466 estudiantes están inscritos en la opción de escuela virtual; esto representa aproximadamente el 9,7% de la inscripción total de estudiantes de 4.792. 


El Dial de Riesgo de Salud Pública de Three Rivers para el condado de Dodge aumentó de 3.0 a 3.25 , a un nivel alto en naranja la semana pasada. El Risk Dial se actualizará mañana. Como recordatorio, el Dial utiliza ocho puntos de datos en un promedio móvil de tres semanas.  


Fremont Public Schools Reporting COVID-19 Updates 

Fremont, Neb. – (Nov. 20, 2020) Fremont Public Schools released information today related to:

  1. The number of students and staff absent due to testing positive for COVID-19.  
  2. The number of students and staff in quarantine due to close contact exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting test results.
  3. The number of students utilizing the virtual learning environment.
  4. Risk Dial increasing from 3.0 to 3.25
  5. In person learning to continue after Thanksgiving break

The breakdown of the numbers is as follows:

Number of Students not in school today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 12

Number of Students not in school today due to quarantine: 175

Total number of students absent today for any illness: 182


Number of employees not working today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 12

Number of employees not working today due to quarantine: 26

Number of certified teaching staff not at work today for any reason: 48

The District does not release information by school or grade level in an effort to not share information that is personally identifiable. This would be in violation of FERPA (Federal Education Rights to Privacy Act) and potentially employment and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) laws. 

The District also released current enrollment numbers for students participating in the virtual learning environment.  As of today, 465 students are enrolled in the virtual school option – this represents approximately 9.7% of the overall student enrollment of 4,794. 

The Three Rivers Public Health Risk Dial for Dodge County increased from 3.0 to 3.25 – to high orange. As a reminder, the Dial utilizes eight data points on a rolling three week average.  

We wanted to take this opportunity to address a rumor circulating through the School District and Community that has been brought to our attention.  This communication should help add clarity to the situation.

“Is FPS planning to close or go to remote instruction after Thanksgiving or after Winter Break?”  

At this time the answer is “No”.

It is the intention of the District to continue with our current operations while working to support students and staff.  

  • The rationale for this is that data continues to show and Three Rivers Public Health Department continues to advise that keeping schools open, while following our strict safety protocols is best for our students and staff. 
  • Providing for the wellbeing of our students – particularly those who are underserved – is very important.  Access to food, in-person instruction, providing emotional support and connections with adults who care, play a significant role in providing our students with as much normalcy as is reasonably possible in 2020.
  • FPS will continue to study multiple data points as options are being considered.  These data points include student absences based on COVID, staff absences based on COVID, school contact tracing data, Community Risk Dial, etc. 
    • Our two primary reference points will be:
      • Contract Tracing Data – is there clear evidence that exposures are occurring in school buildings / programs?  
      • Classroom coverage – are we able to keep our classrooms staffed using Classroom Teachers, Substitute Teachers, Full-Time Substitutes and Local Substitutes?

Two weeks ago Fremont Public Schools announced a change to the Blueprint based on the level of risk associated with the Three Rivers Public Health Department Risk Dial. Previously, Fremont Public Schools had plans to transition from in class learning to a hybrid or fully remote model in the Orange and Red levels. In accordance with guidance from Three Rivers and Elkhorn Logan Valley Health Departments, we have announced that we will plan to keep students in class for as long as possible. The full press release can be found at



The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.



Escuelas Públicas de Fremont Reportando Actualizaciones de COVID-19 

Fremont, Neb. – (20 de noviembre de 2020) Las escuelas públicas de Fremont publicaron información hoy relacionada con:

  1. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal ausentes debido a que dieron positivo en la prueba de COVID-19.  
  2. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal en cuarentena debido a la exposición por contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19 o que está esperando los resultados de la prueba.
  3. El número de estudiantes que utilizan el entorno de aprendizaje virtual.
  4. El marcador de riesgo aumenta de 3.0 a 3.25
  5. Aprendiendo en persona a continuar después de las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias

El desglose de los números es el siguiente:

Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva: 12

Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la cuarentena : 175

Número total de estudiantes ausentes hoy por alguna enfermedad: 182

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la prueba positiva de COVID-19: 12

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la cuarentena: 26

Número de personal docente certificado que no trabaja hoy por cualquier motivo: 48

El Distrito no divulga información por escuela o nivel de grado en un esfuerzo por no compartir información que sea personalmente identificable. Esto violaría la FERPA (Ley Federal de Derechos de Educación a la Privacidad) y potencialmente las leyes de empleo y HIPAA (Ley de Responsabilidad de Portabilidad de Seguros Médicos). 

El Distrito también dio a conocer las cifras actuales de inscripción de los estudiantes que participan en el entorno de aprendizaje virtual. Al día de hoy, 465 estudiantes están inscritos en la opción de escuela virtual; esto representa aproximadamente el 9.7% de la inscripción total de estudiantes de 4,794. 

El Dial de Riesgo de Salud Pública de Three Rivers para el condado de Dodge aumentó de 3.0 a 3.25 – a naranja alto. Como recordatorio, el Dial utiliza ocho puntos de datos en un promedio de tres semanas.  

Queríamos aprovechar esta oportunidad para abordar un rumor que circula por el distrito escolar y la comunidad y que nos ha llamado la atención. Esta comunicación debería ayudar a aclarar la situación.

“¿FPS planea cerrar o ir a instrucción remota después del Día de Acción de Gracias o después de las vacaciones de invierno?”  

En este momento la respuesta es “No”.

Es la intención del Distrito continuar con nuestras operaciones actuales mientras trabaja para apoyar a los estudiantes y al personal.  

  • La razón de esto es que los datos continúan mostrándose y el Departamento de Salud Pública de Three Rivers continúa advirtiendo que mantener las escuelas abiertas, mientras se siguen nuestros estrictos protocolos de seguridad, es lo mejor para nuestros estudiantes y personal. 
  • Brindar por el bienestar de nuestros estudiantes, particularmente aquellos que están desatendidos, es muy importante. El acceso a la comida, la instrucción en persona, el apoyo emocional y las conexiones con los adultos que se preocupan, juegan un papel importante en brindarles a nuestros estudiantes tanta normalidad como sea razonablemente posible en 2020.
  • FPS continuará estudiando múltiples puntos de datos a medida que se vayan preparando las opciones. considerado. Estos puntos de datos incluyen ausencias de estudiantes basadas en COVID, ausencias del personal basadas en COVID, datos de rastreo de contactos escolares, marcado de riesgo comunitario, etc. 
    • Nuestros dos puntos de referencia principales serán:
      • Datos de rastreo de contratos: ¿hay evidencia clara de que las exposiciones están ocurriendo en edificios escolares? / programas?  
      • Cobertura del salón de clases: ¿podemos mantener nuestros salones de clase atendidos con maestros del salón de clases, maestros suplentes, suplentes de tiempo completo y suplentes locales?

Hace dos semanas, las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont anunciaron un cambio en el Plan basado en el nivel de riesgo asociado con el Riesgo Dial del Departamento de Salud Pública de Three Rivers. Anteriormente, las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont tenían planes de hacer la transición del aprendizaje en clase a un modelo híbrido o completamente remoto en los niveles Naranja y Rojo. De acuerdo con la orientación de los Departamentos de Salud de Three Rivers y Elkhorn Logan Valley, hemos anunciado que planearemos mantener a los estudiantes en clase el mayor tiempo posible. El comunicado de prensa completo se puede encontrar en

Fremont Public Schools Reporting COVID-19 Updates 

Fremont, Neb. – (Nov. 13, 2020) Fremont Public Schools released information today related to:


  1. The number of students and staff absent due to testing positive for COVID-19.  
  2. The number of students and staff in quarantine due to close contact exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting test results.
  3. The number of students utilizing the virtual learning environment.
  4. Risk Dial increasing from 2.5 to 3.0
  5. 3 Rivers reminders related to hygiene 
  6. FPS needing substitute teachers
  7. FPS changes Blueprint in High Orange and Red Risk Dial designations


The breakdown of the numbers is as follows:


Number of Students not in school today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 17

Number of Students not in school today due to quarantine: 205

Total number of students absent today for any illness: 186


Number of employees not working today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 13

Number of employees not working today due to quarantine: 37

Number of certified teaching staff not at work today for any reason: 49


The District does not release information by school or grade level in an effort to not share information that is personally identifiable. This would be in violation of FERPA (Federal Education Rights to Privacy Act) and potentially employment and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) laws. 


The District also released current enrollment numbers for students participating in the virtual learning environment.  As of today, 432 students are enrolled in the virtual school option – this represents approximately 9.02% of the overall student enrollment of 4,788. 


The Three Rivers Public Health Risk Dial for Dodge County increased from 2.5 to 3.0 – to mid-orange. As a reminder, the Dial utilizes eight data points on a rolling three week average.  “While our positive COVID cases have increased this week, they continue to affect a very low percentage of our students and staff. We are seeing this increase as a reflection of the amount of cases within our community. Outside of the school day, it is vital to follow the 3 Cs to keep our students, staff and their families healthy,” stated Brad Dahl, Associate Superintendent of Fremont Public Schools.


Please continue to follow Nebraska’s campaign to help slow the spread of COVID-19, the 3 Cs. Families should avoid crowded places, close contact with others and confined spaces. Remembering to avoid the 3 Cs can help keep you safe and slow the spread in your community.


Fremont Public Schools, working with Three Rivers Public Health Department, stresses the importance of good hygiene habits to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

  • Wash your hand frequently
  • Avoid touching your face and wear a mask
  • Wear a clean mask every day
  • Stay home if you feel sick
  • If you are waiting for COVID-19 test results, stay home


FPS continues to navigate through a substitute teacher shortage – magnified by COVID-19.  “The District has requested and been granted a waiver from the Nebraska Department of Education to begin utilizing paraprofessionals and general aides, with at least two years of experience, as substitute teachers.  We also continue to recruit local substitute teachers,” stated Mark Shepard, Superintendent of Schools.  Individuals with at least 60 hours of college education may be eligible for a local substitute teaching certificate.  Fremont Public Schools pay substitute teachers $145 per day. Anyone with a desire to seek a local substitute certificate is encouraged to contact the Human Resources office at 402-727-3016 or by email at  “We’ve had to get creative with filling classrooms due to teachers being absent – we are committed to continuing to support our teachers – recognizing the awesome job they are doing,” Shepard concluded.


Last week Fremont Public Schools announced a change to the Blueprint according to the level of risk associated with the Three Rivers Public Health Department Risk Dial. Until this point, Fremont Public Schools has had plans to transition from in class learning to a hybrid or fully remote model in the Orange and Red levels. In accordance with guidance from Three Rivers and Elkhorn Logan Valley Health Departments, we have announced that we will plan to keep students in class as much and for as long as possible. “We have learned a lot in the past three months and because of the terrific work our schools are doing, we have found that keeping students in school is the safest place for them to be.  School staff and students are wearing masks, social distancing and sanitizing on a frequent basis.  Because of all of these efforts we have found very little transmission of COVID-19 among students and staff members within our schools.” said Terra Uhing, Executive Director of Three Rivers Public Health Department. The full press release can be found at 




The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.


Escuelas Públicas de Fremont Reportando actualizaciones de COVID-19 

Fremont, Neb. – (13 de noviembre de 2020) Las escuelas públicas de Fremont publicaron información hoy relacionada con:


  1. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal ausentes debido a que dieron positivo en la prueba de COVID-19.  
  2. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal en cuarentena debido a la exposición por contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19 o está esperando los resultados de la prueba.
  3. El número de estudiantes que utilizan el entorno de aprendizaje virtual.
  4. El marcador de riesgo aumenta de 2.5 a 3.0
  5. Recordatorios de 3 ríos relacionados con la higiene 
  6. FPS necesita maestros sustitutos
  7. Cambios de FPS Plan en designaciones de marcado de alto riesgo naranja y rojo


El desglose de los números es el siguiente:


Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a COVID-19 positivo Examen: 17

Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la cuarentena: 205

Número total de estudiantes ausentes hoy por alguna enfermedad: 186


Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la prueba positiva de COVID-19: 13

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la cuarentena: 36

Número de personal docente certificado que no trabaja hoy por cualquier motivo: 49


El Distrito no divulga información por escuela o nivel de grado en un esfuerzo por no compartir información que sea personalmente identificable. Esto sería una violación de FERPA (Ley Federal de Derechos de Educación a la Privacidad) y potencialmente las leyes de empleo y HIPAA (Ley de Responsabilidad de Portabilidad de Seguros de Salud). 


El Distrito también dio a conocer las cifras actuales de inscripción de los estudiantes que participan en el entorno de aprendizaje virtual. A la fecha, 432 estudiantes están inscritos en la opción de escuela virtual; esto representa aproximadamente el 9.02% de la inscripción total de estudiantes de 4,788. 


El Dial de Riesgo de Salud Pública de Three Rivers para el condado de Dodge aumentó de 2.5 a 3.0 – a mediados de naranja. Como recordatorio, el Dial utiliza ocho puntos de datos en un promedio móvil de tres semanas. “Si bien nuestros casos positivos de COVID han aumentado esta semana, continúan afectando a un porcentaje muy bajo de nuestros estudiantes y personal. Vemos este aumento como un reflejo de la cantidad de casos dentro de nuestra comunidad. Fuera del día escolar, es vital seguir las 3 C para mantener saludables a nuestros estudiantes, personal y familias ”, declaró Brad Dahl, Superintendente Asociado de las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont.


Continúe siguiendo la campaña de Nebraska para ayudar a frenar la propagación de COVID-19, las 3 C. Las familias deben evitar los lugares concurridos, el contacto cercano con otras personas y los espacios confinados. Recordar evitar las 3 C puede ayudarlo a mantenerse seguro y disminuir la propagación en su comunidad.


Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont, en colaboración con el Departamento de Salud Pública de Three Rivers, enfatizan la importancia de los buenos hábitos de higiene para ayudar a prevenir la propagación del COVID-19. 

  • Lávese las manos con frecuencia
  • Evite tocarse la cara y use una mascarilla
  • Use una mascarilla limpia todos los días
  • Quédese en casa si se siente enfermo
  • Si está esperando los resultados de la prueba COVID-19, quédese en casa


FPS continúa navegando a través de la escasez de maestros sustitutos – magnificada por COVID -19. “El Distrito ha solicitado y se le ha concedido una exención del Departamento de Educación de Nebraska para comenzar a utilizar paraprofesionales y asistentes generales, con al menos dos años de experiencia, como maestros sustitutos. También continuamos reclutando maestros sustitutos locales ”, dijo Mark Shepard, Superintendente de Escuelas. Las personas con al menos 60 horas de educación universitaria pueden ser elegibles para un certificado de enseñanza sustituto local. Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont pagan a los maestros sustitutos $ 145 por día. Cualquier persona que desee buscar un certificado sustituto local puede comunicarse con la oficina de Recursos Humanos al 402-727-3016 o por correo electrónico a “Tuvimos que ser creativos para llenar las aulas debido a la ausencia de los maestros; estamos comprometidos a continuar apoyando a nuestros maestros, reconociendo el increíble trabajo que están haciendo”, concluyó Shepard.


La semana pasada, las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont anunciaron un cambio en el Plan de acuerdo con el nivel de riesgo asociado con el Dial de Riesgo del Departamento de Salud Pública de Three Rivers. Hasta este momento, las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont han tenido planes de hacer la transición del aprendizaje en clase a un modelo híbrido o completamente remoto en los niveles Naranja y Rojo. De acuerdo con la orientación de los Departamentos de Salud de Three Rivers y Elkhorn Logan Valley, hemos anunciado que planearemos mantener a los estudiantes en clase tanto y durante el mayor tiempo posible. “Hemos aprendido mucho en los últimos tres meses y debido a la excelente trabajo que están haciendo nuestras escuelas, hemos descubierto que mantener a los estudiantes en la escuela es el lugar más seguro para ellos. El personal de la escuela y los estudiantes usan máscaras, distanciamiento social y desinfección con frecuencia. Debido a todos estos esfuerzos, hemos encontrado muy poca transmisión de COVID-19 entre los estudiantes y miembros del personal dentro de nuestras escuelas “. dijo Terra Uhing, directora ejecutiva del Departamento de Salud Pública de Three Rivers. El comunicado de prensa completo se puede encontrar en 

Fremont Community Navigates through the Next Wave of COVID

City of Fremont, Fremont Public Schools, Midland University, Archbishop Bergan Catholic Schools, Trinity Lutheran School, Metropolitan Community College, Three Rivers Public Health Department, Methodist Fremont Health, Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce & Dodge County


Fremont, Neb. – (Nov. 6, 2020) The City of Fremont, Three Rivers Public Health Department, Methodist Fremont Health, Fremont Public Schools, Midland University, Archbishop Bergan Catholic Schools, Trinity Lutheran School, Metropolitan Community College, Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce, Dodge County, Fremont Mayor-Elect Joey Spellerberg and Senator Lynne Walz met to discuss the local response to COVID-19. The following entities are providing an update regarding the status of current prevention measures as well as the announcements of availability of facilities, events, and activities in Fremont. 


“We are seeing a large increase in the number of COVID-19 cases and I am pleading with the community to protect themselves and others, by wearing masks and social distancing. I cannot stress how dire the situation is right now.” said Terra Uhing, Executive Director of Three Rivers Public Health Department.  The following are vital recommendations from Three Rivers Public Health Department:

  • Make sure you are following the Directed Health Measures (DHMs) from the State of Nebraska.   
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Avoid touching your face and wear a mask
  • Wear a clean mask every day
  • Stay home if you feel sick
  • If you are waiting for COVID-19 test results, stay home 
  • Take personal responsibility for implementing social distancing in order to not infect others.  
  • If you are a business owner or supervisor ensure that you have a process in place to screen employees so that sick individuals are not coming into the workplace. (This can be done by having employees take temperatures daily and monitor for COVID-19 symptoms) 

Please continue to follow Nebraska’s campaign to help slow the spread of COVID-19, the 3 Cs. Families should avoid crowded places, close contact with others and confined spaces. Remembering to avoid the 3 Cs can help keep you safe and slow the spread in our community.  Please visit for more information.    


Fremont Public Schools, Trinity Lutheran School and Archbishop Bergan Catholic Schools

  • November 4th Fremont Public Schools, Trinity Lutheran School and Archbishop Bergan Catholic Schools announced a change to their protocols according to the level of risk associated with the Three Rivers Public Health Department Risk Dial. In accordance with guidance from Three Rivers, the schools will plan to keep students in class as much and for as long as possible even in late Orange or Red levels.
  • The school districts will continue to monitor COVID-19 activity within the schools and follow guidance from Three Rivers relative to changes in operations.
  • Winter activity guidelines have been announced by NSAA and plans are being developed for involvement in sports and activities.


Midland University

  • Midland’s final day of in-person classes will be Tuesday, November 24th prior to the Thanksgiving break. Students will complete final exams online December 1-4 with the holiday break to follow.
  • To further support our community and help meet the needs of our local healthcare system, Midland and Nebraska Methodist College are partnering to offer free Certified Nursing Assistant training to 100 students. For more information, visit
  • Please visit for more information. 


Metropolitan Community College

  • MCC continues to offer a blend of in-person and online courses, including dual-credit courses in area high schools. Classes offered in-person are limited to hands-on learning curriculum in lab settings. For information regarding student resources, visit


City of Fremont

All City buildings are open to the public, but precautions have been put in place to protect city employees and the public as they interact with one another. Please note that all social distancing requirements and State Directed Health Measures must be followed in all City buildings and at all City meetings. Mayor-elect, Joey Spellerberg, joined the meeting for the first time. He said, “It is great to see all of the collaboration going on between the different entities within our community. Having everyone on the same page creates consistency throughout Fremont and provides assurance to the public that we are working together to keep everyone safe.” 


Dodge County

The Dodge County Courthouse will remain open, with all services available. Masks and hand sanitizer are available at the entrance and encouraged for all patrons to use.


Methodist Fremont Health

Methodist Fremont Health is experiencing record numbers of COVID-19 patients in the hospital and emergency department.  To date more than 100 local residents have been hospitalized with COVID-19 with 12-24 COVID-19 patients now receiving care in our emergency department each day.  Based on current community case rates Methodist Fremont Health anticipates volumes to more than double in the coming weeks, challenging the organization’s ability to care for the community.  “Our COVID-19 patients are very staff and resource intensive and, when combined with other hospital patients, are placing a significant strain on the organization and specifically our care providers.  Without increased diligence in the community, we anticipate this situation getting worse before it gets better.” says Brett Richmond, President/CEO.


Chamber of Commerce ZOOM Presentation – COVID-19 Update

On Tuesday, November 10, at 2:00 pm the Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a ZOOM presentation entitled Navigating Through the Next Wave of Covid.  The purpose of this important event is to provide updated information in regards to the status of the virus currently in our community, insight into the current trajectory of the virus, possible implications and offer suggestions for keeping our businesses viable throughout the pandemic.  Speakers will include Mayor Scott Getszchman, Three Rivers Executive Director Terra Uhing, Methodist Fremont Health President/CEO Brett Richmond, Methodist Fremont Health Infectious Disease Control Specialist Dr. Angela Sukstorf, Chamber Of Commerce  Board Chair Dr. Brad Dahl and District 15 Senator Lynne Walz.  To register for this event please go to the Chamber website or call the Chamber at 402-721-2641.  You can also view the event live on the Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce Facebook page.  If you are unable to attend this live event a recorded version will also be posted to the Chamber’s Facebook page.


District 15 Senator Lynne Walz commented, “The relationship between all of the entities represented today and truly throughout the pandemic have allowed Fremont to continue to prosper during these challenging times.  It’s refreshing to see the leadership of each of these entities continue to problem solve and find ways to meet the needs of our families and community.”






Hope Pierce

Coordinator of Communications & Public Relations

Fremont Public Schools



Merritt Nelson

Vice President of Enrollment Management & Marketing

Midland University



Dan Koenig


Archbishop Bergan Catholic School



Greg Rathke


Trinity Lutheran School



Todd Hansen

Executive Director, Fremont Area Center

Metropolitan Community College



Brian Newton


City of Fremont



Thomas Smith

Emergency Manager

Dodge County



Terra Uhing

Executive Director

Three Rivers Public Health Department

402-727-5396 X103


Tara Lea

Executive Director

Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce



Fremont Public Schools Reporting COVID-19 Updates 

Fremont, Neb. – (Nov. 4, 2020) Fremont Public Schools released information today related to:


  1. The number of students and staff absent due to testing positive for COVID-19.  
  2. The number of students and staff in quarantine due to close contact exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 or are awaiting test results.
  3. The number of students utilizing the virtual learning environment.
  4. Risk Dial increasing from 2.0 to 2.5
  5. 3 Rivers reminders related to hygiene 
  6. No School November 5-6 for Teacher Preparation
  7. FPS changes Blueprint in High Orange and Red Risk Dial designations


The breakdown of the numbers is as follows:


Number of Students not in school today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 6

Number of Students not in school today due to quarantine: 130

Total number of students absent today for any illness: 163


Number of employees not working today due to Positive COVID-19 Test: 8

Number of employees not working today due to quarantine: 22

Number of certified teaching staff not at work today for any reason: 34


The District does not release information by school or grade level in an effort to not share information that is personally identifiable. This would be in violation of FERPA (Federal Education Rights to Privacy Act) and potentially employment and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act) laws. 


The District also released current enrollment numbers for students participating in the virtual learning environment.  As of today, 423 students are enrolled in the virtual school option – this represents approximately 8.84% of the overall student enrollment of 4,786. 


Fremont Public Schools is supporting online and in class students by providing tutoring services. The District has partnered with Midland University to provide certified teachers from FPS, future teachers from Midland University, and other Midland students with knowledge of a variety of content areas. Students are able to get one-on-one tutoring in a breakout room in a Zoom video conference. FPS offers a morning session (8:00 am – 11:00 am) and an evening session (6:00 pm – 9:00 pm) each Monday and Thursday.  High School tutoring is currently available only in the evenings.


The Three Rivers Public Health Risk Dial for Dodge County increased from 2.0 to 2.5 – to mid-orange. As a reminder, the Dial utilizes eight data points on a rolling three week average.  “While the Risk Dial is increasing for the second week in a row, our number of positive cases within the District has remained consistent. The number of individuals in quarantine has increased due to exposures outside of the classroom. Please stay vigilant in following our protocol, having good hygiene habits and following the 3 Cs,” stated Mark Shepard, Superintendent of Fremont Public Schools.


There will be no school on November 5 and 6.  These two days will be designated for teacher preparation of lessons in the online learning management system and professional development.  


Please continue to follow Nebraska’s campaign to help slow the spread of COVID-19, the 3 Cs. Families should avoid crowded places, close contact with others and confined spaces. Remembering to avoid the 3 Cs can help keep you safe and slow the spread in your community.


Fremont Public Schools, working with Three Rivers Public Health Department, would like to remind families of good hygiene habits to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

  • Wash your hand frequently
  • Avoid touching your face and wear a mask
  • Wear a clean mask every day
  • Stay home if you feel sick
  • If you are waiting for COVID-19 test results, stay home


Today Fremont Public Schools announced a change to the Blueprint according to the level of risk associated with the Three Rivers Public Health Department Risk Dial. Until this point, Fremont Public Schools has had plans to transition from in class learning to a hybrid or fully remote model in the Orange and Red levels. Today, in accordance with guidance from Three Rivers and Elkhorn Logan Valley Health Departments, we are announcing we will plan to keep students in class as much and for as long as possible.“We have learned a lot in the past three months and because of the terrific work our schools are doing, we have found that keeping students in school is the safest place for them to be.  School staff and students are wearing masks, social distancing and sanitizing on a frequent basis.  Because of all of these efforts we have found very little transmission of COVID-19 among students and staff members within our schools.” said Terra Uhing, Executive Director of Three Rivers Public Health Department. The full press release can be found at 




The mission statement of the Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.


Escuelas Públicas de Fremont Reportando Actualizaciones de COVID-19 

Fremont, Neb. – (4 de noviembre de 2020) Las escuelas públicas de Fremont publicaron información hoy relacionada con:


  1. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal ausentes debido a que dieron positivo en la prueba de COVID-19.  
  2. La cantidad de estudiantes y personal en cuarentena debido a la exposición por contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19 o está esperando los resultados de la prueba.
  3. El número de estudiantes que utilizan el entorno de aprendizaje virtual.
  4. El dial de riesgo aumenta de 2.0 a 2.5
  5. Recordatorios de 3 ríos relacionados con la higiene 
  6. No hay clases 5-6 de noviembre para la preparación de maestros
  7. Cambios de FPS Blueprint en designaciones de dial de alto riesgo naranja y rojo


El desglose de los números es el siguiente:


Número de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a prueba COVID-19 positiva: 6

Cantidad de estudiantes que no asisten a la escuela hoy debido a la cuarentena: 130

Número total de estudiantes ausentes hoy por alguna enfermedad: 163


Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la prueba COVID-19 positiva: 8

Número de empleados que no trabajan hoy debido a la cuarentena: 22

Número de personal docente certificado que no trabaja hoy por cualquier motivo : 34


El Distrito no divulga información por escuela o nivel de grado en un esfuerzo por no compartir información que sea personalmente identificable. Esto sería una violación de FERPA (Ley Federal de Derechos de Educación a la Privacidad) y potencialmente las leyes de empleo y HIPAA (Ley de Responsabilidad de Portabilidad de Seguros de Salud). 


El Distrito también dio a conocer las cifras actuales de inscripción de los estudiantes que participan en el entorno de aprendizaje virtual. Al día de hoy, 423 estudiantes están inscritos en la opción de escuela virtual; esto representa aproximadamente el 8.84% de la inscripción total de estudiantes de 4.786. 


Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont apoyan a los estudiantes en línea y en clase al brindarles servicios de tutoría. El Distrito se ha asociado con la Universidad de Midland para proporcionar a los maestros certificados de FPS, futuros maestros de la Universidad de Midland y otros estudiantes de Midland el conocimiento de una variedad de áreas de contenido. Los estudiantes pueden recibir tutoría uno a uno en una sala de reuniones en una videoconferencia de Zoom. FPS ofrece una sesión matutina (8:00 am – 11:00 am) y una sesión nocturna (6:00 pm – 9:00 pm) todos los lunes y jueves. La tutoría de la escuela secundaria está disponible actualmente solo por las tardes.


El Dial de Riesgo de Salud Pública de Three Rivers para el condado de Dodge aumentó de 2.0 a 2.5 – a mediados de naranja. Como recordatorio, el Dial utiliza ocho puntos de datos en un promedio móvil de tres semanas. “Si bien el Risk Dial está aumentando por segunda semana consecutiva, nuestro número de casos positivos dentro del Distrito se ha mantenido constante. El número de personas en cuarentena ha aumentado debido a exposiciones fuera del aula. Por favor, manténgase alerta en seguir nuestro protocolo, tener buenos hábitos de higiene y seguir las 3 C ”, declaró Mark Shepard, Superintendente de las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont.


No habrá clases el 5 y 6 de noviembre. Estos dos días serán designados para la preparación de lecciones por parte del maestro en el sistema de gestión del aprendizaje en línea y desarrollo profesional.  


Continúe siguiendo la campaña de Nebraska para ayudar a frenar la propagación de COVID-19, las 3 C. Las familias deben evitar los lugares concurridos, el contacto cercano con otras personas y los espacios confinados. Recordar evitar las 3 C puede ayudarlo a mantenerse seguro y disminuir la propagación en su comunidad.


Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont, en colaboración con el Departamento de Salud Pública de Three Rivers, quisieran recordarles a las familias los buenos hábitos de higiene para ayudar a prevenir la propagación del COVID-19. 

  • Lávese las manos con frecuencia
  • Evite tocarse la cara y use una mascarilla
  • Use una mascarilla limpia todos los días
  • Quédese en casa si se siente enfermo
  • Si está esperando los resultados de la prueba COVID-19, quédese en casa


Hoy Las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont anunciaron un cambio en el Plan de acuerdo con el nivel de riesgo asociado con el Dial de Riesgos del Departamento de Salud Pública de Three Rivers. Hasta este momento, las Escuelas Públicas de Fremont han tenido planes de hacer la transición del aprendizaje en clase a un modelo híbrido o completamente remoto en los niveles Naranja y Rojo. Hoy, de acuerdo con la orientación de los Departamentos de Salud de Three Rivers y Elkhorn Logan Valley, anunciamos que planearemos mantener a los estudiantes en clase tanto y durante el mayor tiempo posible. “Hemos aprendido mucho en los últimos tres meses y debido a Con el magnífico trabajo que están haciendo nuestras escuelas, hemos descubierto que mantener a los estudiantes en la escuela es el lugar más seguro para ellos. El personal de la escuela y los estudiantes usan máscaras, distanciamiento social y desinfección con frecuencia. Debido a todos estos esfuerzos, hemos encontrado muy poca transmisión de COVID-19 entre los estudiantes y miembros del personal dentro de nuestras escuelas “. dijo Terra Uhing, directora ejecutiva del Departamento de Salud Pública de Three Rivers. El comunicado de prensa completo se puede encontrar en