Welcome to Howard Elementary School

Brittney Kuhr
Brittney Kuhr

Howard Elementary School is located at 240 N Howard St. in southeast Fremont. Howard is a PreK-4 elementary building that offers a wide range of special education support, Multi Tiered Systems of Support in academics and behaviors, English Language Programing and Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBiS) to help students achieve social, emotional, and academic success.

Howard has an average class size of 20 students. As residential growth continues in southeast Fremont, Howard is expected to experience moderate but steady growth. The school has a very active PTA that collaborates to advocate for our children and families. Howard offers a before and after school programs for students needing additional supervision.

The main entrance for Howard is located on the north side of the building on 3rd Street.  All guests and visitors must enter through these doors and check in at the office.

  • All visitors are required to Sign In and Out.  Only with special permission from the office and with prior arrangements with classroom teachers are parents or visitors allowed to visit the classrooms.  We encourage volunteering and involvement but it must not interfere with the educational process.

Please contact the Howard Elementary School Office at 402-727-3169 or email me at Brittney.Kuhr@fpsmail.org with any questions or concerns. We look forward to an outstanding, successful Howard Hawk school year!