Jason Chicoine
Jason Chicoine

Welcome to Deer Pointe Elementary, where we recognize that each student is a unique learner and a strong partnership between all stakeholders exists to achieve excellence in education.

Deer Pointe Elementary School is located at 2943 E. Elkhorn Drive in the northeast section of Fremont, Nebraska. The school is a pre-kindergarten through fourth grade facility that serves approximately 280 students with an average class size of twenty-one.

We have a Multi Tiered Systems of Support in academics and behaviors, and Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) to help students achieve social, emotional and academic success.

The majority of students come from the surrounding neighborhood. Deer Pointe offers Reading Interventions and Special Education resource services. Specialists provide the students education in the areas of art, media, music, and physical education. Daily school lunch as well as a breakfast programs are provided. A very active PTA provides many activities for students.

The staff and I believe our school is a place where everyone feels at home and is a part of the Deer Pointe family. Please contact the school office at 402-727-3175 or email me at jason.chicoine@fpsmail.org with any questions or concerns.