School Board

Board Members
President - Sandy Proskovec
Vice President - Terry Sorensen
Secretary - Todd Hansen
Board Member - Jon Ludvigsen
Board Member - Pam Murphy
Board Member - Mike Petersen
What we believe
We believe that perpetuation and improvement of our culture are dependent upon education.
We believe that schools should be student focused on the development of responsible, lifelong learners through quality education.
We believe that learning is a lifelong process.
We believe that all students should be empowered to become productive and contributing members of society.
We believe that the commitment of students, staff, patrons, and parents determine the quality of education.
We believe that all persons have equal worth and dignity.
We believe that every person can learn.
We believe that effort is the means to consistent achievement.
We believe that education enables people to control their lives.
We believe that student achievement is one measure of the effectiveness of an educational institution.
We believe that educators are role models.
Meeting Schedule
Regular Board of Education meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, 6:30 p.m. The meetings are held in the in the Board Room of the Main Street Building, 130 East 9th Street. Individuals interested in addressing the Board will be recognized at the beginning of the meeting.
Mission Statement
The mission of Fremont Public Schools is to produce creative, adaptable, productive citizens committed to lifelong learning.
Vision Statement
In order to develop in all children the essential and core skill sets and ability to successfully compete in a global society and an uncertain future, we envision the need to provide direction to our schools through goals and initiatives that are based on student performance data. This position is not negotiable and is not subject to influence or suppression by special interests or initiatives, designs, or demands that are not validated by superior quality research data.
Board / District Goals
Student Outcomes/Serve All Students
School and Community Climate / Culture / Engagement
Recruitment, Development and Retention of Employees
1. Student Outcomes / Serve All Students
Fremont Public Schools will increase and enhance academic and social-emotional outcomes for all students, encourage and promote future growth by meeting the needs of students, families and our community as well as encouraging and promoting future growth as measured with a minimum of one year growth on NWEA assessments, proficiency on content area summatives, meeting and exceeding ACT achievement expectations, yearly increased graduation rate (4-5-6 year cohorts) and improved student perceptual data on school climate.
Student Outcomes / Serve All Students Objective:
Fremont Public Schools will continue the development, refinement and ongoing evaluation of a systematic, holistic Multi-Tiered System of Support as a part of the continuous improvement process to meet the needs of all students to achieve academic and social-emotional success. Students will be prepared with Life Skills, College and Career Ready knowledge, skills for future education and the world of work as productive citizens of our local, state, regional, national and global society.
Student Outcomes / Serve All Students Objective:
Develop, improve, revise and implement consistent guaranteed and viable content area curriculum aligned to NE standards, social-emotional curriculum and behavioral frameworks, and evidence-based instructional practices for all students.
Review scheduling for best practices to maximize student achievement/learning Elementary, Middle Level, FHS (TST/Block)
Develop, improve, revise and implement tiered programming for intervention and enrichment
Establish and maintain building level and content area Leadership Teams
Data Based Decision Making implementation
Evidence based Instructional Practices will be identified and implemented based upon student needs as determined by data (Science of Reading, SIOP)
Focused and aligned Professional Learning for staff, teachers, and administration.
Track survey data to determine student feelings toward school
Student Outcomes / Serve All Students Action Steps:
#1 Social/Emotional
Social Workers
#2 Academics
AP courses
Dual enrollment
Special education
Language acquisition
Career technical education
Alternative programming
#3 Basic Needs
The Hub
Urban Tiger
Elementary programs
Food insecurity programs
#4 Extracurricular Programs
Performance Activities
Fine Arts
Vocational Arts
2. School and Community Climate / Culture / Engagement
The Fremont Public School District will enhance school and community climate, culture, and engagement as demonstrated through analysis of various data points.
School Climate / Culture / Engagement Rationale:
Over the past several years the need to assess and impact our climate and culture has quickly become a priority. Public Education nationwide has been scrutinized and asked to do more than we ever have in our history - at times outside our mission. Parent engagement is not optional and can lead to a better understanding of what we do, how we do it and why we do what we do. Coupling these goals with our Board of Education policy in this regard makes perfect sense. Surveys will be administered to all stakeholder groups, the data will be evaluated and actionable plans will be created in response to the data. Engaged parents and staff that know that we are listening and responding to their concerns will lead to stronger support for our schools - ultimately leading to a higher performing school district.
School Climate / Culture / Engagement Action Steps:
Each building principal shall recruit a representative group of parents to act as an advisory committee to discuss a variety of topics such as, school goals, activities, policies, student assessments, courses, parent access to student records, budgets, staffing, equity, inclusivity, accessibility, climate, culture and general building operations.
Each building principal shall annually conduct an assessment of the effectiveness of parent/community involvement in their building.
The District shall assess staff engagement, develop strategies for improvement and measurements of success.
3. Recruitment, Development and Retention of Employees
The Fremont Public Schools will enhance its systematic approach to recruitment, development and retention of employees as seen through tracking of hiring/onboarding data, transition data (transferring positions or exiting employment) and employee engagement analysis.
Recruitment, Development and Retention of Employees Action Steps:
Analysis and enhancement of Recruitment, Onboarding/Induction, Mentoring, Professional Development, Personal Support and Staff Engagement Strategies.
Development of formal new administrator/dean induction/training system
Continued enhancement / revision of staff evaluation system.
Analysis and enhancement of a system of Frequent Communication / Feedback Opportunity Strategies for all staff (applicants, new hires, existing staff, exiting staff) - Employee Satisfaction/Engagement Survey
Continued analysis of employee compensation and benefits
By the beginning of the 2023-24 school year the District will develop a plan to increase recruitment and retention of classified hourly employees- increasing hourly wages by $2.00 per hour.
Continuous study with the FEA of certified compensation to maintain competitive salary/benefit package
Consider contracting with outside agency for Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Implement student teacher stipends
Survey Class A / B and area School Districts
Identify which positions warrant stipends
Identify when contracts are offered in the student teaching process
Development of succession plan for key leadership positions
Data was collected during the 2022-23 school year
As individuals retire/resign the data will be updated
Utilize data to create succession plans for key leadership positions
Evaluate in-District and recruit out of District potential candidates
Update data and succession plans annually
Board Goals transitioned into an Operational Mode
Assessment and Improvement of our Learning Environment - the work leading up to the bond issue and the planning and construction of the prioritized projects in process will meet this goal over the next three years.
Career Technical Education Initiatives - this goal is being folded into the “Student Outcome” goal above. Much work has been done and more is to be completed over the next two years leading up to the opening of our Career Center in the fall of 2024.
Budget / Finance Strategies - this goal, even though not currently identified as a priority, remains a position the District will need to continue to be vigilant with. When the Goal was added in 2014 the finances of the District were in peril. Over the past eight years the District has moved to a more favorable financial position.