From The Superintendent

Mark Shepard
Contact Mark Shepard
Welcome to Fremont Public Schools
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We have numerous exciting developments at Fremont Public Schools, and we're thrilled that you and your students will be part of our continued growth. We encourage you to explore our website to find information about our schools including school/activity calendars, meal menus, personnel contact information, and facility updates. Our website also provides information about registering for "PowerSchool for Parents" – which allows you to monitor your child's performance in school. Please take some time to explore our "News" page on the site. We are proud of our community, our children, their parents, and our faculty and support personnel who define our schools and what they represent.
We are especially excited to announce the completion of our state-of-the-art Career and Technical Education (CTE) Center. This remarkable facility represents our commitment to preparing students for both college and career success. The CTE Center offers cutting-edge laboratories, workshops, and classroom spaces designed to provide hands-on experience in various technical and professional fields. Students now have unprecedented access to industry-standard equipment and technology, allowing them to gain practical skills while still in high school.
Safety and security remain paramount in all our facilities. Our best defense continues to be communication. We message, "if you see something, say something. If you hear something, tell someone." We are fortunate to have students, staff, parents, and a community that are willing to share information with us.
At Fremont High School, we continue our strong emphasis on dual-credit/enrollment opportunities for students in their junior and senior years. The integration of the CTE Center has expanded these opportunities significantly, allowing students to earn college credits while gaining practical, career-ready skills. Our goal remains that every student graduating from Fremont High School will have had the opportunity to complete at least a semester of college dual credit. Metropolitan Community College, working with the Unicameral, continues to secure funding for tuition for students engaged in dual credit programming. The Fremont Public Schools Foundation supports students who need assistance in procuring equipment and textbooks for these courses.
We continuously review and upgrade our curriculum to ensure quality and provide high-level experiences for children and youth. Our teachers remain committed to developing curriculum that meets State Standards while preparing students for real-world success. The Tier 1/Tier 2 Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) teams continue their work in identifying interventions to assist students in meeting their social/emotional needs.
The Fremont Public School Foundation plays an integral role in much of what we do. Please visit their website at to learn more about their important work and to identify ways you can participate!
Our Board of Education continues to guide our district with clear priorities:
Student Outcomes/Serve All Students
School and Community Climate / Culture / Engagement
Recruitment, Development and Retention of Employees
We hope you find that our schools and programs exceed your expectations. We invite you to become involved in your child's education. Parent engagement remains a key priority for our Board. We encourage you to attend parent-teacher conferences, join the PTA, and become knowledgeable about your schools. Consider serving on the principal's advisory committee for your students' school. Please contact your building principal if you have interest/questions about this opportunity.
Please feel free to contact your school or any of the district offices if you have questions concerning a specific area.