Student Transportation

Jeff Rump
Transportation Supervisor
Contact Jeff Rump
Transportation Office
957 N. Pierce St.
Fremont, NE 68025
The forms below are to be printed and filled out by a parent or guardian:
Transportation Safety and Information
The FPS Transportation Department’s #1 priority is student safety. We’ve taken steps to address safety including (but not limited to) having clear student expectations of behavior and by having a designated staff member (our wonderful bus aides!) ride on every bus to ensure the driver is not distracted and the ride is safe for everyone.
The department operates 19 daily routes and provides transportation for school field trips and athletic activities as requested. We have 26 professional drivers to drive our fleet of 31 buses and four suburbans.
Be Responsible. Be Respectful. Be Safe.
Common Questions
Is my child eligible to ride the bus?
If you have questions regarding your child's eligibility to ride the bus, please call the Transportation office at 402-727-3017. Every student's situation is different. Speaking to us is the best way to determine what services we have available for your child.
My child won't be riding today, who should I call?
In the event your child will not be riding the bus (whether staying home from school or riding with someone else) please call the Transportation office at 402-727-3017. This will allow our dispatcher to relay that information to our driver.
What should I do if my child left something on the bus?
It is important that students gather all items before leaving the bus. FPS is not responsible for items left on the bus. In the event an item is left on the bus, call the Transportation office @ 402-727-3017 immediately. We will attempt to find the item for you. If the item is found we will notify you and hold it for pick-up at the transportation office.
How can I be sure I'm alerted if there is a school closure for inclement weather?
Parents can also sign up to receive notifications to their phone via Power School's School Messenger. This enables you to receive up-to-date information so plans can be made as soon as possible. Click on the link below for instructions. Once there, scroll down and select 'School Messenger.'
How are bus routes determined?
Bus routes are determined using three parameters: state regulation, student need, and district resources. We also have routes for students in special education programs along with activity and trip buses for activities.
Expectations On School Provided Transportation
Students, parents/guardians, bus drivers, and school officials must work together to provide for the safe transportation of students. The school buses, bus stops, and all other forms of transportation provided by the district, or provided to or from a school activity are considered school property. Students are to follow district expectations while waiting for, entering, and riding district transportation.
Fremont Public Schools endorses and uses Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS). PBIS focuses on teaching appropriate student behavior, and uses a continuum of strategies to reinforce positive behavior and correct student behavior.
Fremont Public Schools Bus Expectations
Be Responsible
Get on and off the bus in an orderly manner
Keep bus clean and take all personal items with you
Use technology appropriately
Be Respectful
Follow adult instructions
Treat all equipment and property appropriately
Raise your hand to get the attention of the driver or aide
Treat fellow bus riders with kindness
Be Safe
Stay seated with hands and feet to self
Use appropriate language and voice volume
Respond appropriately to all signals from bus driver and aide
FPS School Bus Safety procedures, routines, and expectations
Expectations will be maintained at all times in order to have the safest possible ride to and from school. Whenever the driver must redirect his attention from his duties of driving the school bus, danger does exist. The following expectations have been developed to help ensure safe transportation for your child. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Transportation Department at 402-727-3017.
Parents/Guardians are responsible for:
A) The safety of their children going to and from the pick-up points.
B) Seeing that their child meets the bus at the scheduled time.
C) Discussing and promoting bus safety at home with their child.
Before boarding the bus students are expected to:
A) Be on time at the approved bus stop.
B) Wait at the school bus loading area and at the regular bus stop.
C) Wait until the school bus stops before approaching to board the bus.
While riding the school bus students are expected to:
A) Follow adult instructions
B) Treat fellow bus riders with kindness
C) Use technology appropriately
D) Use appropriate language and voice volume
E) Stay seated with hands and feet to self
F) Remain quiet while the bus is crossing railroad tracks
G) Keep the bus clean & take all personal items with you
(Food and beverages are not appropriate for daily routes)
H) Treat all equipment and property appropriately, report any seat or bus damage to the driver immediately
I) Use the emergency doors only if an emergency exists
( Assigned seating may be used to help students meet these expectations)
When leaving the bus students are expected to:
A) Get on and off the bus in an orderly manner
B) Unload at the assigned and approved school bus stops
C) Wait for the driver's signal before walking behind or in front of the bus
D) Go directly from their bus stop to their home
Response to inappropriate behavior:
Students who choose not to observe district transportation expectations or choose not to contribute to a safe transportation environment will be subject to consequences including, but not limited to, suspension of the privilege of riding the bus. Individualized Education Programs (IEP’s) will be followed as applicable. The bus driver or other authorized personnel shall report all inappropriate or dangerous situations to the transportation supervisor and/or building administrator as soon as possible.
A) The bus driver/bus aide is responsible for the safety of all students on the bus and will correct behavior to meet FPS expectations.
B) The privilege of riding the school bus may be revoked at any time for unacceptable behavior.
C) All FPS school buses are equipped with video surveillance systems. Video footage may be used to assist in the resolution of any incident involving students and/or staff.
D) Any action that is illegal or a violation of board policy could result in immediate suspension of transportation services.
E) The school district expects to be compensated for any damage to a bus caused by a student.