Sub for FPS
Interested is subbing for FPS?
Even great staff members like ours get sick or have things come up that require them to miss work. We rely on our amazing substitute teams to keep our District running. If you are interested in being a substitute teacher, nurse, paraeducator, food service worker, or custodian, please review the information below. FPS is always looking for great people to help our staff and students!
Being a substitute has a lot of perks!
You get to meet people all over the District!
You work on your schedule!
You get to say what buildings and roles you prefer to work in!
Certified Substitutes (Teachers and Nurses)
If you are interested in substitute teaching at FPS, contact Kate Baker at 402-727-3016 to set up an appointment. To save time, please complete the paperwork below (found under ‘New Hire Forms’) prior to coming in.
Classified Substitutes (Paraeducators, Food Service Workers, Custodians)
If you are interested in substituting as a Para, for Food Service, Transportation, or with the Custodial staff at FPS, please apply online by clicking here. Once your application is reviewed, you may be contacted for an interview or for an appointment to complete paperwork.
What should I bring to my appointment?
Identification for your I-9: We need a photo ID (must be government issued – a driver’s license works well) and a document showing you’re authorized to work in the country (social security card, birth certificate, Passport, authorization card, etc.). (see the form here – see page 2 for a list of acceptable documents)
Banking information for your Direct Deposit form
Your best self. You may have your photo taken!
Where is the HR office located?
We are located at 130 E. 9th Street on the north side of John C. Fremont Park. Park in the roundabout and enter via the south doors. They are access controlled so let them know you’re here to see Kate in HR. HR is located inside the first door on the left at the top of the stairs.