Student Assistance Team (SAT)
What is a Student Assistance Team? (SAT)
A Student Assistance Team (SAT) is a problem-solving system that assists teachers, parents, students, and other team members in working together to help students achieve success.
What are the reasons for a student referral?
After typical classroom interventions are found to be ineffective, a referral to the SAT team should be made. A student referral may include any area such as academic, behavioral, health, and/or speech.
Who refers the student?
Referrals may be made by parents, teachers, administrators, guidance counselors, students, or anyone who works directly with the student
Who should I expect at the SAT meeting?
Members of the problem-solving team may include parents, teachers, school psychologist, guidance counselor, reading specialist, school nurse, or any other staff member who works with your child.
What happens at the Student Assistance Team Meeting?
The team identifies the student’s strengths and then explores reasons for the student’s difficulties. The team brainstorms ideas and interventions to meet the needs of the student. Goals are set, and the team determines when they will meet again to see if progress has been made.
For additional information, please contact your building principal.