School to Career

Mollie Brown School to Career Coordinator

Mollie Brown
School to Career Coordinator
Contact Mollie Brown

What is School-To-Career STC?
STC is an innovative, effective approach to education and workforce development that gives young people real life, work experience.

How does School-To-Career Work?
STC involves some type of career awareness on the elementary school level, career exploration in junior high, and a career plan of action on the high school level. School-based learning is combined with work-based experiences. The aim is to help students make more informed career decisions.

Who makes STC work?
Educators, employers, employees, parents, students, and the community work in partnership to provide the most effective education possible for young people.

Why is STC needed?
Young people are entering the labor market without the skills to succeed in today’s economy, while employers are having difficulty finding the trained workers they need to compete. STC attempts to better prepare students for post secondary education and careers.

What’s the payoff?
Business benefits from having workers who require less training and are productive immediately. In many cases they have had interaction with the student noting the work ethic and ability. Employers create interest in their business through community involvement. Students benefit through exposure to the work world, career exploration, application of academics to the work place, and the development of a strong work ethic. Schools utilize the expertise of business professionals, create valuable networking relations between teachers/students/and the business community, and establish a clear connection between school and work. The community builds a foundation for a more productive economy and works in a spirit of collaboration and cooperation.

Do STC students still get the basics?
The basics in English, math, & science, are vital. Through work experience, students not only absorb the three R’s, they also learn about a fourth R-reality.

Who administers STC?
STC is created and administered at the local, community level through the partnerships of educators, employers, parents, and community leaders.