Letter of Recommendation

Recommendation Procedures

  1. Ask the teacher/coach/counselor for a recommendation in person at least two weeks prior to the date you wish to have it sent.

  2. Give the teacher/coach/counselor a resume so he/she knows all of the details about the scholarship and about you! Consider including a summary of your goals if they are not listed on your resume.

  3. If a separate scholarship form is required, complete any necessary information and sign the recommendation (if applicable) before giving it to the teacher/coach/counselor.

  4. Supply a stamped, addressed envelope if the recommendation is to be mailed directly to the scholarship agency.

  5. Ask the teacher/coach/counselor to keep the letter on file in case you need additional recommendations at a later time.

  6. Wait two weeks, and then confirm with the teacher/coach/counselor the date the recommendation was mailed.